Kris Stewart's Timeline of
important activities - Part 1
This url is;
Update 21Feb2025; Back to Kris' home page
Timeline 2 [1990-2013];
My pubs and Grants [1984-2013];
NSF write Brief Inet History pdf;
My view watching Inet Grow Up (1969-2023)
I feel I've had an interesting seat at the show as our world has transitioned from
the beginning of computing and the Internet, to today's dominance of QR codes, smart phones
and smart TVs. Yahoo, Ride 'em cowboy! jump to key dates
Also, in tune with my professional career in Computer Science, I have been "forced" to rethink
my relationship towards Steve Jobs. I was always a PC person, since the early days of computers
when I built my own Imsai 8080
kit computer. This computer kit appears in 1983 "hacker"
movie WarGames pdf in Matthew Broderick's
home bedroom,
local pdf.
I chose to build mine with the
Zilog Z80 chip local pdf
floating point co-processor to avoid doing this work in software.
As a "non-traditional" computer science faculty member, according to Dean Don Short,
SDSU College of Sciences, it became my obligation to keep my peers informed so
they understand that my activities are appropriate and effective in the realm
of higher education. My goal in this page involved resolving my childhood, as a
Marine Corps
with my professional career, Computer Science professor emerita, since I retired 30June2013.
I credit Walt Disney with major motivation for me since childhood, please read
Kris Stewart thoughts on Walt Disney for more info.
It is good to see "higher ed" has come to realize this also from the Chronicle of Higher Education article,,
Walt Disney, Reanimated 21March 2010
. This article talks about the Disney Family Museum in the Presidio of San Francisco.
Beard family photo
Beard Family Xmas Card Photo 1961? Wendy/Kris (next to the Major) is in 5th grade at Belinder Elementary School, Prairie Village, KS
Brownie troop in Hannibal MO
Nancy on left, Wendy/Kris middle above Cardiff Hill sign, mom Janet on right
11aug2013 Dr. Kris Stewart has been trying to resolve the timeline of "her world"
both professionally and with Walt Disney, surfing and rock-n-roll (Eric Clapton is God), online
Ozzie&Harriet 1952-66
Leave it to Beaver 1957-63
Gidget 1959 movie;
1963 Lucille Ball
Slowly I Turn
Endless Summer 1965
Sept 1965 Mamas & Papas 45 release
Ca Dreamin'
Key Personal Dates:
Summer 1972 Kris works as switchboard operator at Bishop School for
top-secret IDA,
Institute for Defense Analyses,
JASON workshops of physicists -
Elite - local;
recall UCSD Math Prof Fall '72, Dr. Bishop told me he wouldn't speak to security clearance people
Winter 1973 GEOSECS student job asst for Sandy Tacoma, SIO Isotope Lab, Harmon Craig PI
26March1975 Glen Stewart marries Kris Beard in Las Vegas and we start his Green Card process
Summer 1978 Kris received summer internship position with Dr. Larry Shampine,
Sandia National Labs, ABQ, studying
Lipschitz Constants within Robust ODE solvers, 1980, p. 448 ack K. W. Stewart; obtained Q clearance
1979 Apr3-5 SIGNUM ODE Methods Conference at UIUC,
Urbana IL, Kris meets Fred Krogh, learns of JPL and I should apply for programmer position
Summer 1979 Kris Stewart receives Masters in CS at SDSU and job offer at NASA's JPL,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena; rented a home in
The Meadows of Altadena,
glad some realtors provide a write up on the neighborhood. We lived at
4283 Aralia Rd,
Altadena CA. Happy to share a
Google street view image of our place in
case the realtor description disappears over time.
Glen discovers Greene & Greene architecture by working on
Resurrecting the Bolton House 7pg PDF by Ken Ross, Fine Homebuilding
Oct/Nov 1983 No.17, Tim Andersen architect. Scroll down to top of p32 to see
Glen in shop set up in living room.
Summer 1981 Glen leaves Pasadena for San Diego because LA air is so bad.
Kris heads to UNM Albuquerque to begin PhD with Cleve Moler as sponsor & Larry
Shampine as dissertation committee Chair, based on research begun at JPL with Fred Krogh, using Asymptotic
Absolute Stability to judge convergence for Stiff ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations),
implemented in the code STRUT
July 1982 SIAM 30th Anniversary Meeting, Stanford U. from
SIAM Timeline 1952-2003,
local 1979-1985
Fall 1982 Kris on 1 yr leave from UNM, teaches Math 541a Introduction
to Numerical Analysis at SDSU, as lecturer;
Spring 1983 Kris teaches Math 541b at SDSU.
Summer 1983 NASA/ASEE Summer Fellow at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena;
living in CalTech dorms
& commute weekends to Oxnard,
where Glen & Gordon Sproul building beach home in Port Hueneme
Fall 1983 Kris returns to UNM to salvage professional life. Takes Compiler
Construction w/Barney MacCabe and realize I love LR Parsing. My new good buddy
Karen George is kind to me. She ends up going to Australia and have totally lost
contact - BUMMER!
Summer 1984 NASA/ASEE Summer Fellow at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena;
living in CalTech dorms again
& commute to Olympic venues and Zuni bin Del Mar to see Glen
Summer 1984
Los Angeles Olympics
thanks to mother, Janet Beard, for buying us tickets. Congrats to Peter Ueberroth
for convincing Angelenos to leave town, if possible, making parking and traffic easy.
Fall 1984 Hired by the Mathematical Sciences Department as tenure-track
Assistant Professor of Numerical Analysis at San Diego State University, purchase home in Encinitas CA
1985 What is MS?,
National MS Society and Rocky Mountain MS Center, are very
useful resources on Multiple Sclerosis, which I have.
First attack, optic neuritis, Christmas '83 break from UNM, when I was 33 years old.
Diagnosed in 1985 by Dr. George Spinka, Kaiser Neurologist, when my shins went numb.
Bingo, another body part is out of whack! Must be MS. Confirmed by MRIs.
Feb/Mar 1986 Glen's work on cover Fine Homebuilding, Port Hueneme / Oxnard CA
Craftsman Style Beach House 7pg pdf by Tim Andersen, Fine Homebuilding Feb/March 1986
No. 31. Tim was also the architect on the Bolton House restoration in Pasadena 1980
May 1987 Kris defends PhD University New Mexico;
Semi-Implicit Backward Differentiation Formula (BDFs) pdf 147pgs
Spring 1990 Kris awarded tenure at SDSU, Associate Professor, Computer Science
Fall 1990 Kris begins research on undergraduate supercomputing at SDSC,
San Diego Supercomputer Center,
NSF Award #9015552,
resulting in course at SDSU, CS 575 Supercomputing for the Sciences
Fall 1992 Supercomputing and Undergraduate Education, SUE, poster at Supercomputing '92
Minneapolis MN, on curriculum development at university undergraduate level
Summer 1993 NSF Grant support for STEP, Supercomputing Teacher Enhancement Program
STEP 1993-1996; team of high school science teachers from
San Diego county come to SDSC to learn about computational science.
Summer 1994 and Summer 1995 STEP @ SDSC
Spr 1995 CS 575 Supercomputing
CS 575 class calendar,
course first taught at SDSU in 1992
Spring Break 1995 Glen and Kris celebrate their 20 year wedding anniversary at Walt Disney World, 11-15 April 1995 Spring Break
Spring Break 1997 Kris visits Glen's Nantucket work, takes picture appears, p. 72, in Fine Homebuilding June/July 2001)
Stair in the Air 4pg pdf
October 1997 NPACI grant
begins, includes the SDSU Ed Center, a research laboratory
built in SDSU's Library basement unused space.
Enhancing Undergraduate
Curriculum through NPACI's Ed Center
Feb 1998 SDSU joins vBNS. Kris Stewart is co-PI for SDSU
CalREN-2: The Calfornia Research and Education Network-Phase 2, provides our campus access
to Internet2, high speed Internet.
Spring 1999 Kris earns Professor at SDSU, CS;
SDSU Department of Computer Science
2002 Computer Science becomes separate department from the Math Sciences Dept -
SDSU Departments from
WayBack Machine
May 2004 Kris elected to the SDSU University Senate. Each senator participates
in a committee, we agree IT is my best fit. During first term evolves to IIT, continued
until retirement June 2013
Stewart and University Senate
Feb 2007 Kris invited to Microsoft Game Programming Conference on Disney
Wonder Cruise Ship. Microsoft Academic Days in Game Development,
is my summary to share with students in 3D Game Programming course, CS 583
May 2013 SDSU commencement ceremony recognizes
retiring faculty like myself, also honors JFK, Jack Kennedy, on the 50
year anniversary of his
commencement speech at San Diego State College
15July1990 - Cubs - Wrigley Field, Chicago IL - before the start of
SIAM Annual Mtg July 16-201990 Chicago - Kris' last drink
23july2001 Dr. Spinka recommends Kris starts daily injections of, Copaxone, to slow advance of my Multiple Sclerosis.
Jan2011, Glen's only cruise EVER for Kris' 60th birthday
Kris and Goofy on Disney Wonder
Kris New Knees 25may2012
Resources and more details:
Douglas Adams [DNA]
A Brief Timeline Walt Disney (1901-1966) Co © 2005 Ken Polsson
Star Trek FiNS (2008); Peel: The Peru Project (2006); Long Board TV (2004); Bruce Brown’s The Endless Summer: Revisited (2000); Hot Surf (1998); The Masters (1997); Wingnuts Search for Soul (1996); Surfer Magazine (1988); Super Session (1975); Sea for Yourself (1973); Psyche Out (1962); Surf Mania (1960); Once Upon a Wave: 1959-1962; Sunset Surf Craze (1959) Surf Board Riders, Waikiki (1906) short[1]
Surf Crazy (1959)
Barefoot Adventure (1960)
Gone With the Wave (1964)
The Living Curl (1965)
The Endless Summer (1966)
The Fantastic Plastic Machine (1969)
The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun (1970)
Five Summer Stories (1972)
Morning of the Earth (1973)
Crystal Voyager (1973)
Tubular Swells (1975)
Storm Riders (1982)
Momentum (1992)
Endless Summer II (1994)
The Kill (1993)
Thicker than Water (2000 film) (2000)
September Sessions (2000)
The Endless Summer: Revisited (2000)
Liquid Time (2002)
Surf Movie: reels 1-14 (2003)
Blue Horizon (2003)
Step Into Liquid (2003)
Fair Bits
Glass Love (2004)
Riding Giants (2004)
Somewhere, Anywhere, Everywhere (2004)
Singlefin: yellow (2004)
The Seedling (2004)
AKA Girl Surfer (2004)
Billabong Odyssey (2005)
Going With The Flow: Classic California Soul Surfing (2005)
Sprout (2005)
A Broke Down Melody (2006)
Free As A Dog (2006)
Peel: The Peru Project - A Surf Odyssey (2006)
The Secret Machine (2006)
One California Day (2007)
Sipping Jetstreams (2007)
The Forgotten Coast (2007)
Bustin' Down the Door (2008)
New Emmissions of Light and Sound (2008)
Live: A Music & Surfing Experience (2008)
Water man (2008)
Waveriders (2008)
Out of Place (2009)
The Present (2009)
Fiberglass and Megapixels (2010)
First Love (2010)
God Went Surfing With The Devil (2010)
Year Zero (2011)
Drift (2012)
Here & Now: A Day in the Life of Surfing (2012)
Strange Rumblings in Shangri-LA (2014)
The following list began as a Palm Pilot note and has evolved
Walt Disney movies in time order: Dec '37 Snow White first toon movie (feb '38 theaters), Pinocchio (1940), Fantasia (1940),
The Reluctant Dragon (1941), Dumbo (1941), Bambi (1942), Saludos Amigos (1943),
Victory Through Air Power (1943), Three Caballeros (1945), Make Mine Music (1946),
Song of the South (1946), Fun and Fancy Free (1947), Melody Time (1948),
So Dear to My Heart (1949), The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949),
Cinderella (1950), Treasure Island (1950), '51 July Alice in Wonderland.
10jan51 born Camp Pendleton Hospital - Dad is serving in Korea
10jan52 1st birthday party - Capistrano Beach
10jan32 2nd birthday party - Capistrano Beach
10jan53 3rd birthday party - Parris Island, SC
10jan54 4th birthday party - Parris Island, SC
10jan55 5th birthday party - El Toro MCAS Wherry Park (Dad stationed in Japan, coaching football)
10jan56 6th birthday party - NAD Waikele, Oahu
MedRecord from Wendy Baby Book:
3 shots for whooping cough, tetenus, diphtheria - 18july1951, 29aug51 10oct51
Booster shots on 19nov1952
DPT booster shot aug1954
Red measles - feb1955. Doctor diagnosed it as polio and Wendy was taken to the
Orange County hospital in Santa Ana from San Clemente by ambulance
Polio Shots - Dec1955, 13jan1956, Aug1956
Mumps - April 1956 - swollen both sides, no fever
Chicken Pox - April 1956
Vaccination Small Pox repeated march 1956
Typhoid shots (3) - March 1956
German Measles April 1957
1952 Fender Electric Guitar Radio repairman Leo Fender and musician Doc Kaufman produce the better sounding version of the solid-body electric guitar.
Jan 1952 Sam Phillips launches Sun Records, which will become the home for artists such as Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Johnny Cash.
25 Feb-06 March 1953 Wendy made her first driving trip across country from Capistrano Beach CA to
USMC Recruit Depot, Parris Island SC
19 April 1953 Disney toon Peter Pan. (My mom, Janet Beard, wrote in my baby book Kris/Wendy first movie experience)
Disney Live Action Movies -
The Living Desert (1953), The Vanishing Prairie (1954),
20,000 Leagues under the Sea (1954)
Jul 19, 1954 Sun Records releases the first single by Elvis Presley, "That's All Right (Mama)"/"Blue Moon of Kentucky."
October 1954 ABC TV network Disney begins weekly TV show.
Dec 1954 Bill Haley and the Comets record an energetic dance tune, "Shake, Rattle, & Roll," a cover of a Joe Turner recording.
April 1955 Wendy starts wearing glasses, far-sightedness & astigmatism while living in Wherry Park on Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, while Dad is stationed in Japan, coaching football.
'55 June Disney toon Lady and the Tramp.
July 1955 Dland opens in Anaheim, California.
Sept 1955 - first family trip to Disneyland (Wendy baby book from mom)
October 1955 ABC TV Disney's second television show, Mickey Mouse Club.
1955 Davy Crockett: King, Wild Frontier
1955 The film Rebel Without A Cause, starring James Dean, becomes a nationwide hit, especially with teenage audiences. The popularity of the film attests to the deep relationship between authority and rebellion in post-World War II America—a relationship that will help speed the rise of rock and roll music.
Dec 1955 Early Rock Legends Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Chuck Berry each debut on the pop charts.
Jan 27, 1956 Elvis Presley records his first single for RCA, "Heartbreak Hotel." The song will become the first of many #1 hits for Presley and will help popularize rock and roll
Mar 1956 Little Richard Long Tall Sally Little Richard's "Long Tall Sally," his biggest hit, reaches #6 on the pop charts.
1956 John Lennon receives his first guitar as a gift from his mother. He will soon form his first band, the Quarrymen.
June 05, 1956 Wendy's first airplane trip from San Francisco CA on United Airlines at 11:30a, arrive Honolulu Airport at 5:30pm, Hawaii Time. 9 hour flight, she was a good traveler (Wendy book)
Summer 1956 - Summer 1958 - Stationed at NAD Waikele (ammo dump for USN Pacific Fleet)
Sum 1956 learned to ride 2 wheel bike w/o training wheels - age 4.5 years
Sum 1957 - Wendy learned to swim age 5.5 years while a NAD Waikele pool and Waianae beach where she dove for shells with facemask & snorkel
Jul 6, 1957 At a gig in Liverpool, John Lennon meets Paul McCartney. Lennon invites McCartney to join his group, the Quarrymen.
Sometime during Oahu duty, family vacation was to take an LST (only for strong sailors - men on one side of ship, women and children on the other) to Big Island. Stayed at Volcano House (Military Vacation Housing) KMC, Kilauea Military Camp, within the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park now.
Barber's Point for Kindergarten & 1st grade, Wendy/Kris rode bus from Waikele quarters, 10 miles. Left home 7a, returned 3p.
HI a territory then (not a state yet)
10june1958 - SS Leilani from Honolulu to SF - she was a good sailor (Wendy book)
Aug 5, 1957 American Bandstand, a television show hosted by Dick Clark, premiers nationally on ABC.
Sep 1, 1957 A fourteen-year-old Jimi Hendrix attends an Elvis Presley concert at Sicks Stadium in Seattle.
Nov 3, 1957 "Great Balls of Fire," a Jerry Lee Lewis smash, blazes up the charts and becomes Sun Records' best-selling record
Jan 1958 George Harrison joins John Lennon's group, the Quarrymen.
Feb 24, 1958 Chuck Berry's song, "Sweet Little Sixteen," reaches #2 on the pop chart. The song will become his biggest rock and roll hit.
Mar 24, 1958 Elvis Presley is inducted into the U.S. Army. He will serve in Germany from October 1958 to March 1960.
Summer 1958-1960 - Camp Pendleton, parents purchase home in Vista, 245 Ardys Place,
2nd & 3rd grade at Santa Fe Elementary, friends with Pattie Bussey / Gallant
1959 January Disney toon Sleeping Beauty.
'59 Disney Live-action film Darby O'Gill and the Little People (Sean Connery)
Feb 3, 1959 The Day the Music Died - Rockers Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the Big Bopper are killed in a plane crash devastating young rock and roll fans across the nation.
May 12, 1960 Frank Sinatra hosts a television special in honor of Elvis Presley's return to the U.S. from military service overseas. Elvis will be paid $125,000—roughly $868,000 in 2007 dollars—for appearing on the show. (Quite a homecoming!)
Summer 1960-63 change of duty to Kansas City, dad works with reserves. Family lives in suburb of
Prairie Village KS, attend Belinder Elementary
New Math starts with Mrs. O'Dell 5th grade
1961 Jan Disney toon One Hundred and One Dalmations
Sept'61 Disney Wonderful World of Color NBC-TV
Dec 1961 The Beatles, formed from the members of the Quarrymen, make their performing debut at the Cavern Club in Liverpool.
May 1961 Jimi Hendrix enlists in the U.S. Army and is stationed at Fort Ord in California.
Dec 31, 1961 The Beach Boys, in one of their first public appearances, perform for a Ritchie Valens memorial concert in Long Beach, California.
May 1962 The Beatles audition for EMI Records and are offered a contract on the condition that they replace one of the group's members, Pete Best. In the next few months, Richard "Ringo" Starkey will join the group.
Jul 2, 1962 Jimi Hendrix is injured during military training and is discharged. Upon release, he begins playing gigs with a number of artists including Little Richard and the Isley Brothers
Sum 1963- Sum 66 change of duty to Quantico VA MCS. Wendy/Kris a dumb brat refusing to tour D.C. w/ family. Family vacation to Virginia Beach was fun. Also visited Williamsburg dates?
22 Nov 1963 JFK assisinated in Dallas TX (Kris in 7th grade waiting for bus home from Russell School)
Nov 1963 The Beatles' song, "I Want to Hold Your Hand," is released in the United States and becomes an instant hit.
Feb 7, 1964 The Beatles arrive in the United States for a brief stay and a few live performances including a nationally televised appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show.
Feb 9, 1964 The Beatles make their American television debut on The Ed Sullivan Show.
Feb 11, 1964 The Beatles perform their first live performance in the United States, at the Washington Coliseum in Washington, D.C.
My Quantico friends, Roxanne Miller and Cindy Windsor, have tickets and get to see them live!
1964 April NY World Fair with
four Disney-designed rides
1964 British black-and-white comedy film directed by Richard Lester and starring The Beatles "John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr" during the height of Beatlemania.
1964-1974 George Harrison and Pattie Boyd marriage
Feb 19, 1966 Janis Joplin debuts as the lead singer of Big Brother and the Holding Company.
Mar 1, 1966 John Lennon is quoted in London's Evening Standard as saying the Beatles are "more popular than Jesus now." News of Lennon's comments will reach the U.S. shortly before the Beatles kick off their 1966 American tour, and will infuriate many, inciting some to burn Beatles records.
May 7, 1966 The Mamas and the Papas With their song, "Monday, Monday," the Mamas and the Papas become the first mixed-gender group to earn a number one hit on the Billboard charts.
Sum 1966 - 69 change of duty, dad trains & then goes to Vietnam. Unique for military brat I spend high school in one place - Vista High School VHS
Aug 1966 John Lennon begins to pull away from the Beatles, acting in the film How I Won the War, and writing new songs including "Strawberry Fields Forever" and, later while under the influence of LSD, "I Am the Walrus."
08sept1966 TV premiere of Star Trek with Wiliam Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, runs 3 years
Sep 24, 1966 Jimi Hendrix and Chas Chandler, the former bassist for the Animals, form the Jimi Hendrix Experience.
15 Dec 1966 Walt Disney dies St. Joe Hospital, Burbank, near the Disney Studios
Jan 1, 1967 The Rolling Stones are invited to appear on the Ed Sullivan Show, but are asked to change the chorus of the song they've chosen to perform, "Let's Spend the Night Together," because Sullivan finds it "objectionable." The group agrees to alter the lyrics for the appearance to be "Let's spend some time together."
Jan 1, 1967 In early 1967, some 100,000 people migrate to the Haight-Ashbury region of San Francisco, California. The city will become the center for the "Summer of Love."
Jan 1, 1967 The Gathering of the Tribes, also called the Human Be-In, is held in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. The event, which draws some 20,000 people, is the first of many free music-in-the-park festivals to be held during the late 1960s.
1967 Rolling Stone magazine is founded in San Francisco. John Lennon appears on the cover of the first issue.
Jun 17, 1967 Janis Joplin launched at the Monterey International Pop Festival, with a phenomenal performance
Jun 18, 1967 Jimi Hendrix performs at the Monterey International Pop Festival. In perhaps his most notorious performance, he ignites his Fender Stratocaster guitar during his final number.
Aug 1967 Peter Green, John McVie, Jeremy Spencer, and Mick Fleetwood form the band Fleetwood Mac.
Jun 1968 Just one year after performing in the Monterey International Pop Festival, the Mamas and the Papas split. The group cites tensions stemming from sudden fame and wealth as a cause for the break up.
Jul 7, 1968 Jimmy Page, former guitarist for the Yardbirds, forms a new group and names it Led Zeppelin.
Jul 26, 1968 Concerned about its vulgar cover art, Decca Records postpones the release of the Rolling Stones' record, Beggar's Banquet.
Oct 18, 1968 John Lennon and Yoko Ono are arrested and charged with possession of marijuana. Lennon will plead guilty but insist that police planted the drugs in his home.
Oct 18, 1968 Jimi Hendrix, long influenced by folk singer Bob Dylan, records his own version of Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower".
Nov 11, 1968 John Lennon and Yoko Ono release Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins, their first album. The album, which features a photo of the couple naked, is banned in cities and towns all over the country, including New York where police seize some 30,000 copies.
Nov 13, 1968 Atlantic Records signs the British band Led Zeppelin.
1968 R. Stigwood manager/Cream announced group split up in late 1968. After the deaths of Eric Clapton's close friends Jimi Hendrix and Duane Allman, and the disappointing reception of his 1970 masterpiece, Layla & Other Assorted Love Songs, Clapton withdrew into drug addiction for several years.
Dec 8, 1968 NBC airs a special program titled "Elvis" featuring performances by the artist dressed in black leather. The widely viewed television special will mark the revitalization of Presley's waning musical career.
Jan 30, 1969 The Beatles perform together on the roof of Apple Corps, Ltd. in London, in what will become their last appearance as a group.
May 1, 1969 Jim Morrison Flashes Crowd During a concert in Miami, Florida - a drunk Jim Morrison of The Doors encourages the crowd to take their clothes off, and seems to flash his genitals (although accounts of the event vary). The Miami Herald reports, "Morrison appeared to masturbate in full view of his audience, screamed obscenities and exposed himself." Morrison is arrested, charged, and convicted for profanity and indecent exposure, and The Doors will be forced to cancel much of their concert tour.
Jun 29, 1969 At the height of its popularity, the Jimi Hendrix Experience dissolves leaving the band's lead man to record and to perform at future gigs as a solo artist.
Jul 3, 1969 Brian Jones, one of the founding members of the Rolling Stones, is found dead in the swimming pool at his home in England. The coroner's report will state that the 27-year-old singer most likely died of a drug overdose, while some will suspect his death had been a suicide brought on by severe depression.
Jul 26, 1969 "Give Peace a Chance," a song recorded by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, reaches #14 on the pop chart.
Jul 31, 1969 Elvis Presley performs a live concert for the first time since 1961. The concert, held at the International Hotel in Las Vegas, will be the first of his many performances delivered in Sin City.
Aug 15, 1969 The Woodstock Music and Art Fair is held in the town of Bethel in upstate New York. Nearly half a million people attend the 3-day event, which features artists such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Sly and the Family Stone, Joan Baez, Santana, the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, the Who, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Joe Cocker, Country Joe and the Fish, The Band, and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.
Sep 13, 1969 After several years out of the spotlight, Little Richard appears at a rock and roll concert in Toronto, Canada, alongside such artists as Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis, and John Lennon.
Sep 18, 1969 Janis Joplin, no longer a member of Big Brother and the Holding Company, released her first solo album, I Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again (Mama).
Sep 1969 The band Earth Blues Company, fronted by singer John "Ozzy" Osbourne, compose the song "Black Sabbath" and begin performing it at gigs in England. Within one month Earth will rename itself after the track.
Dec 1, 1969 The Rolling Stones throw a free concert at the Altamont Speedway near San Francisco, California. The concertgoers clash with the Hell's Angels, a motorcycle club that has been hired to provide security. Many are wounded and Meredith Hunter, a young African-American man attending the show, is stabbed and killed.
Dec 16, 1969 "War Is Over! If You Want It!" reaches #11 on the Billboard chart. The song is recorded by John Lennon and Yoko Ono as a Christmas message to the nation.
1969 Beatles White Album (Clapton plays lead on While My Guitar Gently Weeps)
03june1969 Star Trek final episode airs
20july 1969 Apollo 11 - first NASA mission to land on moon
Aug69-Mar73 - UCSD undergrad / Math major. Meet Glen 1st night in dorms - Caroline
Edson knows Gary Brink who Glen is cruising dorms with. All three attended Los Altos
High School, Bay Area. Kris falls in love w/surfer Glen, first night in the dorms
UCSD freshman year. Thanks Caroline!
Fall 70 UCSD Muir College dorms w/Chris Kirtley
Dec 1970 Eric Clapton Solo Eric Clapton records his debut album, which includes blues-inspired tracks such as "After Midnight" and "Let It Rain." In the following months, Clapton will become addicted to heroin and will fail to complete recording projects.
Dec 1970 Brad Whitford, Tom Hamilton, Joey Dramer, Joe Perry, and Steven Tyler form the band Aerosmith.
Apr 10, 1970 Paul McCartney announces his decision to leave the Beatles.
Fall 71 UCSD Muir Campus Apartment, but Kirtley doesn't return to campus, bummer
Feb 27, 1971 Janis Joplin's album Pearl is released posthumously.
Jul 3, 1971 Jim Morrison, 27-year-old front man for The Doors, is found dead of a heart attack in the bathroom of his hotel room in Paris.
Oct 1971 John Lennon performs at a benefit concert in New York's Apollo Theater for the families of inmates at Attica Prison.
21jan1972 First Star Trek Convention in New York City
June-Sept 1972 - summer job for Kris as switchboard operator at Bishop's School, La Jolla CA for
JASON study session, Institute for Defense Analyses, IDA.
pdf. My first experience working with
Top Secret security clearance.
Fall72 dog Ed (so cool - to classes) living La Jolla Village
Fall72 McGovern campaign worker in Vista
Dec 1972 The U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee reports on John Lennon's involvement with radicals. Some members of the Senate, including South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond, will suggest that Lennon be deported, and for nearly four years, Lennon will fight to remain in the U.S.
13jan1973 London Rainbow Theatre concert - Pete Townshend gets Eric Clapton back on stage after heroin addiction
Winter quarter 1973 Kris graduates from UCSD/Muir College - Math major
Spr73 Kris leaves La Jolla for Berkeley, accepted at Cal, UCB, for Fall '73 (Glen at UCSD International Ctr)
Mar73-sum73-UCB student assistant job with UC Berkeley Office of Academic Affairs
Summer73 Kris visits Glen living at UCSD International Center on campus
Jul 6, 1973 The British band Queen releases its self-titled debut album.
Aug 73 George Lucas American Graffiti (Harrison Ford as Falvo)
Aug 73 - UC Berkeley graduate studies in Mathematics, student clerical job with
Economics Visiting Prof.
Jagdish Bhagwati on sabbatical from Columbia U
(his wife: Padma Desai) - quit school spr94 (alan meier intro to scott ezer /oops!
Fall73-Spr74 kris UC Berkeley fails Math/phD try
Sum74-Sum76 Kris is Harmon Craig's slave, Admin Asst, at SIO during the GEOSECS ocean studies.
Jan 2, 1975 In London, the Beatles announce the official break up of the group. Many fans will blame John Lennon's wife Yoko Ono for the split.
March 26, 1975 Glen & Kris marry in Las Vegas, live 240 1/2 Prospect, La Jolla CA
with springer spaniel Jennifer & cat Fred
Mar 29, 1975 Led Zeppelin has six albums on the pop charts, a feat never before accomplished by any other band.
Apr 3, 1975 The band Aerosmith releases its chart-topping second album, Toys in the Attic, which features hits "Sweet Emotion" and "Walk This Way."
Jul 11, 1975 Fleedwood Mac has New Lineup Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks join the band Fleetwood Mac. Singer and songwriter Bob Welch is also a recent addition. By this time, original members Peter Green and Jeremy Spencer are no longer part of the group.
Jul 28, 1975 Black Sabbath kicks off their Sabotage World Tour to promote their sixth album. Lynyrd Skynyrd, KISS, and Peter Frampton will open for them on the tour.
Oct 27, 1975 Bruce Springsteen is officially a national sensation, appearing on the covers of both Newsweek and Time magazines.
Dec 27, 1975 The English band Queen releases its second album, A Night at the Opera, featuring a seven-minute rock operetta entitled "Bohemian Rhapsody."
Apr 1977 The Eagles top the charts with "Hotel California."
Jun 26, 1977 Elvis Presley gives what will be his last live performance at Market Square Arena in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Elvis Presley, unconscious, is rushed to Baptist Memorial Hospital. Efforts to revive him fail and he is pronounced dead. The exact cause of death will become one of the great mysteries of rock and roll history.
Fall 1976 Kris starts up school again at SDSU for a Masters, using her math undergrad background. Numerical Analysis grad class allows discovery of CS, along with a no to statistics.
May 1977 Star Wars released
Fall 1977 Mary Ann Herndon (1 sem only) thanks to Gill Williamson for grad course in Combinatorics at UCSD.
Fall 1977 Conf ACM Signum/SIAM Albuquerque NM I meet Dr. Mac Hyman from LANL, Los Alamos National Lab, and learn of DOE Summer internship programs.
Spr 78 start building Z80/Imsai box, purchased kit from Computerland in Kearny Mesa, I think I got a $2K loan from USE Credit Union at UCSD.
Spr 1978 Gill Williamson Combinatorics (coupled w/Jim Bunch - ?algorithms?) to be my second graduate course sequence for CS Masters at SDSU.
Sum 78 Glen and I move to 655 Zuni Dr. Del Mar, with Gary Brink
Sum 1978 Kris to ABQ DOE Sandia National Labs to be a summer intern with
Dr. Larry Shampine. Pack up my Z80 IMSAI-kit personal computer in my VW bus and drive.
Lipschitz constants and robust ODE codes (ack to K Stewart on last page)
1979 Apr3-5 SIGNUM ODE Methods Conference at UIUC, Urbana IL; Linda Petzold & I are "Mutt & Jeff";
conference host is Bill Gear. Fred Krogh was part of the workshop on The Numerical Solution of Second Order Systems of ODEs. I talked with Fred, told him of my CS Masters Project at SDSU that would be defended Spr 1979 and he encouraged me to apply to JPL for a position with their Mathematical Software team led by Dr. Charles Lawson
27mar1979 Eric Clapton weds Pattie Boyd/Harrison in Tuscon AZ (Harrisons divorced in mid70s)
spr 79 Kris graduates with CS Masters from SDSU
Jun 1, 1979 Chuck Berry performs for President Jimmy Carter at the White House.
'79 DNA: The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
Sum 79 off to JPL. Kris gets her first professional job at NASA Jet Propulsion
Lab in Pasadena. Found home to rent in The Meadows of Altadena, rode my moped in
the back gate of the lab.
Fall79 start 2 years @ JPL w/Fred Krogh & Chuck Lawson, Share office with Van Snyder, best jokester ever!
Fall 1979 Glen connects w/Jim Sutton (works at a bank) & Ken Ross / Bolton House.
Look up Fine Homebuilding October/November 1983 Resurrecting the Bolton House or
David Kramer's overview "Greene & Greene’s William T. Bolton House: A Journey of Restoration Through The Years"
which has several pictures from the original article, including Glen in the carpentry shop he set up in the living room area of the home being redone.
07dec1979 star trek movie released (shatner, nimoy and vger)
'80 DNA Restaurant@End of Universe
26aug1980 actor chris pine born (kirk in JJ Abrams GREAT Star Trek movie)
Sunday 07 Dec 1980 Kris walks/runs Honolulu Marathon, my first vacation not
dictated by academic calendar - once off probation as JPL employee. This is my
location when John Lennon killed outside the Dakota NYC
Dec 8, 1980 John Lennon Assassinated - Upon returning home from a recording session,
John Lennon is shot and killed. His delusional assassin, Mark David Chapman, will
claim that J. D. Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye inspired him to murder the
Collaborator in numerical analysis on 8-bit computers is John C. Nash, who wrote
Scientific Computing with PCs which refers
to my BASIC translation of RKF45, ODE solver from Forsythe, Malcolm and Moler (1977),
in Section 16.4 Programs or Packages.
Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations. 1977, by Forsythe, Malcolm
and Moler; viewable from the Internet Archive, the
WayBack Machine.
12-16 Jan 1981 3rd IIMAS Workshop Numerical Analysis Cocoyoc, Mexico - Kris attends
SCRUNCH is placed in GAMS. Dr. David Kahaner learns of my Master project software,
SCRUNCH, numerical analysis in Basic on Z80 micro. Invites me to Gaitherburg MD
to present and I delivered the software to his group.
SCRUNCH software.
NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, has a wealth of online resources such as
GAMS, Guide to Available Mathematical Software thanks to Dr. Ronald F. Boisvert, along with
Math, Stat, ComplSci and the classic "Abramowitz and Stegun" NBS / NIST
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and
DLMF. Kris is invited
to speak to Kahaner's group at NBS, National Bureau of Standards, 29Jan1981
Fall 81 Kris off to University of New Mexico UNM Albuquerque. Cleve Moler sponsors her graduate studies.
First year focus Applied Math Department taking Functional Analysis w/Dick Allen.
Then 2nd year pursue Computer Science.
Glen heads back to Zuni bin in Del Mar w/Gary B
Oct 81 Kris DWI arrest leaving Golden Inn in ABQ, after the 10th Annual Balloon Fiesta, 02-11 Oct 1981
1981 MTV Begins - MTV, Music Television, launches. The channel shows music videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. MTV will revolutionize the way people experience music.
Dec 1981 Prince Opens for Rolling Stones The young artist Prince opens for the Rolling Stones on their national concert tour, boosting his popularity.
Jan 1982 Eric Clapton to Hazelden Rehab Center for Alcoholism, Center City, Minnesota
Apr 14-16, 1982 International Conference on Stiff Computation, Park City, Utah
May 82 Dr. Jim Ross, who taught my SDSU graduate Numerical Analysis course using
text by Ortega, drives thru Albuqueque for his annual trip back to Minnesota,
drops by and suggests possible job in NA at SDSU
Kris withdraws from UNM at end of semester.
25June1982 - Blade Runner released
1982 The Lax Report is released
lax_report_1982.pdf Report of the panel on Large Scale
Computing in Science and Engineering; NSF and the Birth of the Internet
19-23 July 1982 SIAM 30th Anniversary, Stanford University, Kris presents. Kris arrested DUI on the way to pick up Glen at SFO.
Kris enrolls in inpatient treatment program, recommended by Aunt Maida
'82 DNA (Douglas Noel Adams) book - Life, the Universe & Everything
Fall82/Spr83 Kris hired as lecturer at SDSU to teach Math 541/542 Numerical Analyis
NASA/ASEE Summer Fellow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 1983, Kris lives in CalTech dorms
20sept1983 Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page and Rolling Stones perform in concert to fight MS / benefit Ronnie Lane.
Fall 1983 Kris returns to UNM to salvage professional life. Take Compiler
Construction w/Barney MacCabe and realize I love LR Parsing. My new good buddy
Karen George is kind to me. She ends up going to Australia and have totally lost
contact - BUMMER!
Christmas 1983 1st MS attack optic neuritis. Kris home for holidays from UNM to be with Glen at the Zuni garage. My left eye goes black, have no health insurance. Go to opthamolist who sends me to neurologist who finally says optic neuritis is precursor of MS. I am 1 month shy of 33 years old.
'84 DNA So Long & Thanks for All the Fish
01June 1984 Star Trek III -The Search for Spock
NASA/ASEE Summer Fellow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 1984, another
summer in CalTech dorms.
Glen living in Port Hueneme, building beach house with Gordon Sproul. Fine Homebuilding
publication Feb/Mar 1986
Summer '84 L.A. Olympics - thanks mother Janet for buying us tickets
Summer 1984 we buy home in Encinitas
Fall 1984 Kris is hired Assistant Professor Numerical Analysis at SDSU, she is ABD - all but dissertation.
Apr 1985 A group of women, including several wives of influential politicians, form the Parents Music Resource Center in order to pressure the music industry to regulate lyrical content by developing a rating system similar to the one used by the film industry.
Apr 1985 The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) issues an open letter to music and television media executives requesting the regulation of content in music lyrics and music video imagery. The letter also sites a list of artists that the PMRC deems most "filthy," including AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Cyndi Lauper, Judas Priest, Madonna, Prince, and Twisted Sister.
Jul 13, 1985 For the first time in nearly seven years, Ozzy Osbourne performs on stage with Black Sabbath at the Live Aid charity concert series. Other performers on the bill include Paul McCartney of the Beatles, Bob Dylan, U2, David Bowie, and Queen who delivers one of the most memorable stadium performances in rock history. Hip-hop group Run DMC is also scheduled to perform but is cut off during its first song.
Oct 1985 The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) submits to the demands of the PMRC to create a warning sticker for all music with content deemed "explicit."
? Winter break 1985, Mom takes Nancy, Glen and me to Tahiti. Bora Bora, then Huahine -
love when the bi-weekly ferry come in, then island of Tahiti. Really glad
Mom gets us to spend time together.
Feb/Mar1986 Fine HB "Craftsman-Style Beach House" cover for Glen & Tim Andersen in Port Hueneme
26nov1986 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - movie (Shatner, Nimoy & most originals).
Transport humpback whales from Sausalito aquariam forward in time to 2286 an
communication with an alien probe. I love the scenes with Spock & the gang in San
1987 Glen moves to Haena, Kauai (near
Tunnels) to work on George
& Carol Simpson's new home (Carol Simpson Mills recalls when we visited jan2012)
May87 Kris defends PhD diploma UNM (after stacking bricks, ask me sometime about this)
'87 Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
17 Oct 1989 SF Bay Area 6.9 M earthquake - World Series Oakland Athletics vs SF Giants.
Earthquake occurred minutes before start of Game 3. Formally the Loma Prieta earthquake.
Collapsed sections of Nimitz Freeway in Oakland, tho centered in Santa Cruz mountains.
Live broadcast from SF Candlestick Park was interrupted. Rush-hour traffic on Bay Area
freeways lighter than normal because of the game.
03may90 EC@Sports Arena, Journeyman Tour - first time see him live. Eric Clapton smiles rarely
08 May 1990 President Thomas B. Day letter for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor.
July 1990 SIAM conference - took the "L" (CTA) to Wrigley Field Cub's game - Kris' last drunk
Dec 1991 Nirvana Nevermind and Grunge Nirvana's album Nevermind is a smash hit and ushers in a new trend in rock based in the American Northwest. Independent label rock artists and garage bands like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Hole, L7, and Mudhoney will gain widespread commercial success throughout the 1990s.
1991 Lollapalooza Inspired by a music festival he attended in California, Perry Ferrell, front man for the rock band Jane's Addiction, organizes Lollapalooza, a series of concerts featuring a diverse mix of performers. The music exhibition is the first of its kind to tour throughout the United States and Canada and will become a huge success, boosting the popularity of a new generation of rock bands such as Jane's Addiction, Living Colour, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, Rage Against the Machine, L7, Hole and The Smashing Pumpkins, as well as provocative hip-hop groups such as Ice T & Body Count, Cypress Hill, Wu Tang Clan, and The Roots.