Kris Stewart's Timeline of key activities - Part 2 [1990-2013] until retirement

Upd 21Nov2024; This URL is
Timeline - Part 1 [Overview of my life, childhood & circumstances before tenure at SDSU]
My pubs and Grants

1990 - 1993 NSF grant #9015552 "Undergraduate Curriculum Development in Advanced Computing" to San Diego Supercomputer Center to provide my summer salary for 3 years to develop and then present Summer Workshops at SDSC for faculty from the U.S. to develop courses at their home institutions in advanced computing at the undergraduate level. This became known as SUE, Supercomputing and Undergraduate Education. ScrCap of original NSF award

1990 May Tenure/Assoc Professor, at the 7 year deadline

1991 July19 Dr. George A. Spinka writes brief clinical history of my MS, multiple sclerosis, for NIH tryptophan study by Dr. David Michaelson. Price Club, now known as Costco, told NIH of my purchases of tryptophan. Dr. Spinka first saw me Jan '87 when I told him of optic neuritis in left eye Christmas 1984. Spinka report stated:
"Sept '97 4 weeks cognitive impairment due to impaired memory, but no difficulty with problem solving tasks. Electroencephalogram was normal, MRI brain scan revealed diffuse bilateral supratentorial white matter lesions plus legions in the mid-pons and left middle cerebrellar pinnacle, concistent with demyelinating disease. August 1990 numbness in left lower extremity. These symptons completely resolved within several weeks and no new symptoms since then. MS remains the best explanation."

Summer 1991 SUE first Supercomputing and Undergraduate Education woskshop held at the San Diego Supercomputer Center

1991 Nov 18-22, Supercomputing '91 in Albuquerque NM has Kris at SDSC booth promoting Computational Science at Undergraduate Level at San Diego State University

1992 Jan16, Clapton MTV Unplugged performance recording with March TV broadcast of show. Highlights for me were acoustic Layla and My Fathers Eyes. Clapton won 6 Grammy Awards at 35th Annual in 1993 based on album. Record of Year, Album of Year, Song of year - Tears in Heaven, version from movie Rush, Best Pop Vocal-Male, Best Rock Vocal-Male, Best Rock Song - Layla

A workshop named SUE - SDSC crash course for undergraduate educators, Gather/Scatter Vol8 No11-12, Nov-Dec 1992; P8 Article scanned/txt

Supercomputing '92 Poster Minneapolis MN, Supercomputing and Undergraduate Education, extensive details of Summer Program

1992 Sept 11 Iniki, category 4 Hurricane, demolishes Kauai. Turners and Kitches were vacationing there at the time.

1993 July STEP, Supercomputer Teacher Enhancement Program, first 4 week summer workshop at SDSC, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Notes available - only available online through Wayback Machine Internet Archive. 27Oct2021 WB local
For historical interest, click on following link to see index to files still available from a "TAR" archive of original notes in Microsoft Word. STEP FTP Tar. Download this file and use a TAR extracting app for your particular system. Successfully used PeaZip, free archiver utility. 27Oct2021
Intro as pdf 6 page Introduction handout for July 1993 4 week workshop as PDF and
STEP Syllabus & Calendar detailed syllabus of topics to be covered for the high school science teachers in 4 weeks at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, SDSC 6-30 July 1993

1993 Sept 24-25 Albuquerque NM - UCES, Undergraduate Computational Engineering & Sciences. pdf

1994 Jan17 Northridge earthquake (ML=6.4) recorded by 65 stations

1994 Spr,, my web page starts. This is first faculty homepage at SDSU. Thanks to Lloyd Fosdick, CU Boulder Computational Science Project, for showing me NCSA Mosaic when I visited Boulder CO. Online NSF award local I was on the Evaluation Committee for Grant#CDA-9017953, which resulted in extensive materials being developed, along with excellent textook - Introduction to High Performance Scientific Computing text by Lloyd D. Fosdick, Elizabeth R. Jessup, Carolyn J.C. Schauble and Gitta Domik, CU Boulder, Colorado.
my page WB 27 Nov 1996 1, sigs, or you can view my current page, with slight URL change dictated by SDSU network requirements:

1994 April 15-6, UCES, Albuquerque NM pdf

1994 July, 2nd STEP three week workshop at SDSC - STEP shifts gears to change focus to browser use for teaching in high school classrooms, along with visualization tools online.

1994 Fall receive Dept of Energy, Undergraduate Computational Science Award, Washington DC, pdf; 12 projects/23 people recognized

1995 March 28, SciCADE 95, Education Issues in Scientific Computing, Minisymposium organized by Kris Stewart at International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, Stanford, California, 28 Mar - 1 Apr 1995.

1995 11-15 April, SDSU Break Break 11-15 April 1995, Glen & Kris Stewart celebrate their 20 yr anniversary with a trip to Florida - 5 days at WDW, Walt Disney World, Orlando FL, took a break to visit Kennedy Space Center on bus tour; then Key Largo, then Clearwater FL - thanks to my Mom for this gift, cs575 Calendar confirms date

1995 July, 3rd STEP three week workshop at SDSC - STEP teachers preview their curricula using browsers, which they plan to share at Supercomputing '95 at San Diego Convention Center. Dr. Sid Karin, SDSC founder & director, is Chair of SC'95. STEP demos are a hit for San Diego county high school teachers

1995 August08 invited panel Seminar for Academic Computing (SAC), Snowmass CO, "Are Supercomputers Appropriate for Undergraduate Education?"; Kris strongly supports YES Snowmass

1995 October05 HPC Curriculum Development: Web Browser for Developing, Presenting and Sharing Resources, invited presentation for MUSPIN Users Conf, Morgan State U, Baltimore MD

1995 Dec08, Supercomputing '95 ACM/IEEE conference, San Diego CA, HPC undergraduate curriculum development at SDSU using SDSC resources,

1996 March19 Wild World of Supercomputers: It's Not Just FLOPs, invited presentation for - Computers: The Machine, The Science, The People and The Careers, Fourth Annual Computer and Computational Sciences Program for Minority Youth at the California Institute of Technology, CRPC, Pasadena CA

1996 June 04 STEP Joins Computerworld/Smithsonian IT Collection - STEP Joins Computerworld / Smithsonian Information Technology Collection Supercomputer Teacher Enhancement Program (STEP) Developed by San Diego Supercomputer Center, Inservice training of secondary school science teachers reduces the time lag from when science is created at the supercomputer center to when it becomes part of the curriculum.

1996 Summer, I turn 45 years old, a new age group for summer swims, named US Masters Swim all American distance swimmer.

1996 July23, SIAM Annual Conference, Lessons Learned from In-Service Teacher Enhancement in Computational Science, Kansas City MO; visit Prairie Village KS

1996 Nov College of Sciences Dean Don Short does not support my promotion to Professor

1997 I start using Picasaweb for online photo albums, now called Google Photos Archive 16Jan2024

1997 Oct10 The ECCSE, Education Center on Computational Science & Engineering, had its open house at SDSU. This is the CSU / SDSU Partnership activity in the NPACI, National Partnership for Advanced Computing Infrastructure, led by SDSC, San Diego Supercomputer Center. Thanks to the NPACI Director, Dr. Sid Karin, for inviting me to be part of the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Instructure. pdf Enhancing Undergraduate Curriculum through NPACI's Ed Center

1997 Nov SC '97 San Jose; SC '97- The Next 50 years of computing pdf ...
STEP: A Case Study on Building a Bridge between HPC Technologies and the Secondary Classroom, Kris Stewart and Janet Bowers, Education Paper WBM June2024 pdf;
Education Panel: The Future Impact of the National Partnerships in Computational Infrastructure on Education Participants: Roscoe C. Giles, Boston University; John Ziebarth, NCSA; Kris Stewart, SDSU, NPACI. This panel will focus on the next decade of HPC and its impact on education and society. HPC has had a significant impact in the past; we are now at a transition point developments to be seen over the next 10 years.
SC97 Top10 Andy Tannenbaum Dr. Tannenbaum's inspiring talk "Ten Golden Rules for Teaching Computing Science", still inspires me.

1998 March 01 online access to award: Kris is co-PI for SDSU on our NSF Award#9729574 for access to the vBNS (high-speed network or Internet 2). Our award text CalREN-2 California Research and Education Network-Phase2
Abstract: This award is made under the high performance connections portion of ANIR's "Connections to the Internet" announcement, NSF 96-64. It provides partial support for two years for DS-3 connections for three institutions to a California statewide network and then to the vBNS. The three institutions are California State University, San Bernardino; California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; and San Diego State University. Applications include biomedical and bioinformatics use of fractals, remote data acquisition and control research, distributed computing, and seismic research. Collaborating institutions include the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin and Rice University.

1998 May28 Eric Clapton at Cox Arena, SDSU w/gang

'98/99 promoted to Professor [Steve Roeder, Dean of Sciences; Nancy Marlin, Provost, supported me]

1999 Aug18 Kris Stewart invited by Prof Osman Yasar SUNY Brockport to present Template for Group in Undergraduate Supercomputing Class, HPC Users Group invited presentation, SUNY Stonybrook NY 10Aug1999. During optional afternoon activity, I pass on visiting Hampton Beach and take the LIRR, Long Island RailRoad, to Penn Stn in Manhattan; then walk to GCT, Grand Central Terminal, cause I've been fascinated by story of that transportation hub.
Grand Central, from time past

2000 SITE 2000 San Diego, Kris Stewart, Ilya Zaslavsky, High-Performance Computing Technologies, and Pre-Service Teacher Preparation: Is There an Overlap? (Post-Evaluation Thoughts), Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, San Diego, 2000 dnld paper, paper

2000 April NSF, National Science Foundation, Nifty 50 celebration:
#37 is The PACI Program The PACI - NCSA and NPACI, that my Edcenter on CSE was part of; my other favorite is
#28 The Internet NSFNET until 1995, then allowing public use of the network.

2001 Jan01 Eric Clapton marries Melia in Surrey. She is from Columbus OH

2001 Jan10 Kris turns 50. I celebrate at the JCC swimming 50 laps to Perry Como Show song 'Fifty Nifty United States.' I can still recite the states in alphabetical order

2001 July23 My Kaiser neurologist Dr. George Spinka says MRI indicates I would benefit by being on one of the ABC drugs approved for MS, Multiple Sclerosis. He felt copaxone fit my life style best, so I started my daily injections to start treatment on my disease.

2001 Aug18 EC at Staples Arena, Los Angeles , thanks to Slowhand listserv member in Diamond Bar, CA with extra tickets. This tour supports EC's album "Reptile" and the setlist was Key to the Highway, Reptile, Got You on My Mind, Tears in Heaven, Bell Bottom Blues, Change the World, My Father's Eyes, River of Tears, Goin' Down Slow, She's Gone, I Want a Little Girl, Badge, I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man, Have You Ever Loved a Woman, Cocaine (J.J. Cale cover), Wonderful Tonight, Layla, Will It Go Round in Circles (Billy Preston cover) Encore: Sunshine of Your Love, Over the Rainbow

2001 Nov11 - World Trade Center Towers fall

2002 Kris receives Northrup Grumman Excellence on Teaching Award
2002 (also in 1989)

2002 Feb SIGCSE'02, Peter R Turner, Angela B Shiflet, Steve Cunningham, Kris Stewart, Andrew T Phillips, Ignatios E Vakalis "Undergraduate computational science and engineering programs and courses", CincinnatiOH CovingtonKY,SIGCSE '02: Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer Science education February 2002 Pages 96-97 Panel

2002 June21 Right Knee replaced [Ned Young Surgeon, left quite a scar] First total replacement.

2002 July07 SIAM in Philadelphia - Lourdes Mark loaned me her collapsable wheelchair so I can get around & see the Liberty Bell

2002 Nov 17-21 SC2002 Baltimore MD, Dr. Roscoe Giles is chair & Kris does booth duty for EOT-PACI at NPACI booth

2003 Feb10-12, SIAM CSE03, Turner, P. R., Stewart, K., co-Chairs, (2003) Minisymposia on Undergraduate Education at SIAM-CSE, San Diego, Feb. 10-12, 2003. This was the John von Neumann's 100th Birthday Celebration Symposium
AngelaW IgnatisV AndrewP KrisS
K Stewart "Building Assessment in the curriculum"

2003 28March-03April (1 week) New Orleans with Glen for SDSU Spring Break SpringBreak 2003 New Orleans w Glen flew Carlsbad Airport to LAX to NO, New Orleans; also JudyM play

2003 Apr23 - Jack D. my Kaiser physical therapist says I've graduated knee therapy (Zion Hospital) for my R knee, 1st knee replacement. Ten years later, the L knee replaced & rehab lots easier since I knew the pain does end.

2003 June 16-20, SIAM in Montreal, Ontario, Canada. Undergraduate CSE Papers at SIAM National Meeting, organized by Peter Turner, Kris Stewart and Angela Shiflet.

2003 Aug14 - RdTrip with Pattie G. to Laguna Seca Monterey Historic Cars. We stop at Walts Barn in Griffith Park on drive back home.

2003 Oct - San Diego - Cedar Fire Storms

2003 Nov SC '03 in Phoenix AZ

2004 Apr purchase Suburu Forester (Bob Baker Carlsbad - finance with Chase 1.9% $440/mo) 1-800-662-3325 left to pay $1757 dec07

2004 May, Kris is elected to the SDSU University Senate.
Each Senator is asked to participate in a Senate Committee and it is suggested that IT would fit me best. I was aware enough of campus life to ask to verify - IT = Instructional Technology, not Information Technology, right? Yes; Kris' archive Spr 2005-Fall 2012

2004 June11, Seussentential Del Mar Fair, I've been a big Ted Geisel fan for ages

2004 June20 Selma Douglas passes, she was 103 3/4 years old.

2004 July12-16, SIAM Annual Meeting, Portland OR, meet up with Patty C. We run into Dave K just walking down the street, what a small world it is.

2004 July25 fly to West Point NY for EOT-PACI discussions on game program platforms for HPC education teams. Great for a Marine Corps brat like me!

2004 Aug02 EC Hollywood Bowl. We hired a Hummer limo with the gang, not all that comfy travel, but enjoyed the music. This tour was supporting EC's release "Me and Mr. Johnson". The band was Steve Gadd, Nathan East, Doyle Bramhall II, Chris Stainton, Billy Preston with Michelle John and Sharon White vocals. The set list was Let It Rain, I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man, Walk Out in the Rain, I Want a Little Girl, I Shot the Sheriff, Me and the Devil Blues, They're Red Hot, Milkcow's Calf Blues, If I Had Possession Over Judgment Day, Kind Hearted Woman Blues, Got to Get Better in a Little While, Have You Ever Loved a Woman, Badge, Wonderful Tonight, Layla, Cocaine; ENCORE Sunshine of Your Love, Got My Mojo Working. Robert Randolph and the Family Band were the lead act and Robert Randolph joined EC towards the end of final set.

2005 February12-15, Stewart, K., "Assessment - A Partner for Curriculum Development - Useful Online Tools", MS11 Undergraduate Computational Science and Engineering, SIAM-CSE Conference, Orlando Fl

2005 Oct, Guitar Hero Guitar Hero debuts on Sony's PlayStation 2 video game console, allowing gamers to rock out on a plastic guitar in synchronization with digitized axe gods. The addictive game soon becomes a nationwide sensation, with sales of the game and its sequels exceeding $1 billion by 2008. Guitar Hero helps lead to a resurgence in popularity for many of the classic rock acts featured in its gameplay.

2005 Dec10 - Richard Pryor, RIP age 65, he had MS, just like me

2006 Aug18 Computer Game Programming Engines for Computational Science Curriculum Development presentation, SUNY Brockport. Rochester is near Buffalo, conference included dinner ride on Erie Canal boat and a tour of George Eastman Museum

2007 January9 iPhone Wikipedia,
YouTube Steve Jobs introduces 2007 mobile phone + Internet + WS iPod = iPhone
Don't forget the 1984 Superbowl commercial for Macintosh.

2007 Feb 22-25 Stewart supported by Microsoft to attend Microsoft Academic Days in Game Programming on the Disney Wonder Cruise ship, Feb2007
picture of Disney Wonder Cruise Ship pic of Kris Stewart with Captain Hans
Disney Wonder Cruiseship; Black Pearl at Castway Cay; Kris & Capt Hans

2nd Annual MADGD (Microsoft Academic Days Game Programming) papers, Ian Parberry, Program Chair - 99 pages
Agenda for Conference glad I downloaded copy (no longer online)
Pic of Kris w Sailor Goofy & Capt Hans Stewart summary from Microsoft Academic Days on Game Development

2007 March15, EC (& J J Cale, surprise) Sports Arena (Rick W. got our tickets) Derek Trucks & Doyle Bramhall II Where's Eric review & set list
2007 March25 - EC in Edmonton, Alberta - thanks Jeannie for getting tickets! (Robert Cray Sp Guest at Rexall Place) set list & band

2007 Oct24 - Nov01, San Diego Fire Storm - SDSU and the city of San Diego shut down for a week, giving roads to firefighters/first-responders

2008 June11, How 3D Game Programming can Benefit the TeraGrid, TeraGrid08, Las Vegas NV, pdf

2009 March 04-07 K. Stewart, How 3d Game Programming can be Service-Learning SIGCSE 2009 poster SIGCSE '09 Chattanooga TN

2009 June30, Clapton Winwood Hollywood Bowl (with Dave and Judie S) 30June2009 Band & Set List

2010 Nov06, Kaiser MS symposium-met Dr. Jaffe (rehab doctor - exercise+MS good
2010 Dec15, learned from Dr. Jaffe my proprioceptor muscles need work

2011 Jan06-20, Disney Wonder Cruise thru Panama Canal (Kris' 60th bday)

2011 March06, Clapton at Sports Arena (Valley View Casino Center, SD) set list & band

2011 March11, started with Ampyra (Dr. Jaffe, Kaiser recommended) to increase balance/strength combatting MS

2011 April29, UNM Cyberinfrastructure Day Johann Van Reenen invites Kris to speak on "From Supercomputers to 3D Game Programming: The Impact of CyberInfrastructure on our Youth" Stewart CI UNM

2011 Aug11, Keb' Mo' at Humphrey's with Gunnar/Scarlett - WOW! reviewed Honeydripper and Can't You Hear the Wind Howl?

2011 Oct14, Glen and I go to the Pasadena Heritage Week for Bus Tour of Greene & Greene homes with tour of Bolton House interior [Glen's work in Fine Homebuilding] - fantastic!

2011 Oct18, Pearl Jam 20 - KPBS Producers Club event at Stone Brewery with the gang to see Matt Cameron

2012 June 12 - record of 2nd Knee Replacement Dr. Yashar puts in 2nd replacement knee.

2013 March 15 - Dr. Ivan Sutherland won Kyoto Prize 2012 & gave lecture at SDSU. Not only did Professor Sutherland give a fascinating viewpoint as "Father of Computer Graphics" in his lecture on campus, he also presented at workshop at CalIT2/UCSD the following Friday on Asyncronous Computing which I attended along with several students from CS 583 3D Game Programming course. Included SDSC tour from Jeff Sale
Bear Ted & the Cat SDSC J Sale tour

May 2013 SDSU commencement ceremony recognizes retiring faculty like myself,
also honors JFK, Jack Kennedy, on the 50 year anniversary of his commencement speech at San Diego State College JFK pic; KPBS, nice historical perspective with interview of Prof. Seth Malios 5-min YouTube, trans-txt; JFK-KFMB-1963 YouTube; txt
2013 June30, Retire from SDSU after 29 years, ending as Computer Science Professor Emerita and chair of University Senate IIT (Instructional & Information Technology) standing committee

2013 Summer,Rocky Mt MS Center Brain Drain Excellent treatment of Cognition Disfunction (good thing I retired June 2013)