JASON summer job at Bishop School - switchboard operator at physicists workshop

Summer 1972 Kris works as switchboard operator at Bishop School for top-secret JASON workshop
online from science-for-the-people.org The War Physicists Bruno Vitalek, 1972 pdf
doc Documents about the European protest against the physicists working for the American military through the JASON Division of the Institute for Defence Analysis (IDA) - 1972
"European Confrontation Spoils Jason’s Summer Vacation by Al Weinrub ‘Science for the People’ Vol. 4, No. 6, November 1972, p. 9
WAR PROFESSORS: Luis ALVAREZ (Nobel Price), James BJORKEN, Richard BLACKENBECLER, Luis BRANSCOMB, David CALDWELL, Kenneth CASE, Joseph CHAMBERLAIN, Nicholas CHRISTOFILOS, Roger DASHEN, Sidney DRELL, Freeman DYSON, Val FITCH, Henry FOLEY, Edward FRIEMAN, Richard GARWIN, Murray GELL-MANN (Nobel Price), Donald GLASER (Nobel Price), Marvin GOLDBERGER, Robert GOMER, Joseph KELLER, Henry KENDALL, George KISTIAKOWSKI, Norman KROLL, Robert LEHEVIER, Harold LEWIS, Elliot MONTROLL, Walter MUNK, William NIERENBERG, Wolfgang PANOFSKY, Allen PETERSON, Melvin RUDERMAN, Edwin SALPETER, Matthew SANDS, Charles TOWNES (Nobel Price), Samuel TRIEMAN, Kenneth WATSON, Steven WEINBERG, John WHEELER, Eugene WIGNER (Nobel Price), S. Courteney WRIGHT, Herbert YORK, Frederick ZACHARIASEN, George ZWEIG
These Physicists have participated directly in the American war of genocide in Indochina: they were members, as of 1970, of the Jason Division, the technical advisory organ of the Pentagon.

When Elite Physicists Advised Washington, Brian Balkus, October 1, 2022; local copy