STEP Joins Computerworld/Smithsonian
Information Technology Collection
June 4, 1996

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Kris Stewart's email address is Upd 02June2024
Dept. Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State Univeristy

This is SDSC Press Release in HPCwire (updated 4/30/96 by K. Stewart):

SDSC's Supercomputer Teacher Enhancement Program (STEP) has been nominated for the 1996 Computerworld Smithsonian Awards, which recognize innovative uses of information technology that benefit society. As part of the nomination, STEP's submission will become part of the Smithsonian Institution's Permanent Research Collection on Information, Technology and Society at the National Museum of American History.

Over a three-year period, STEP introduced more than 40 high school teachers to the tools of computational science, including the Internet, and the evolving world of information technology. In the classroom, STEP participants have shared this knowledge with thousands of students and helped hundreds of other teachers access these scientific resources. Funded by the National Science Foundation and administered jointly by the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and SDSC, STEP used a decentralized, grassroots approach to narrow the gap between state-of-the-art science and classroom experience, according to program coordinator Kris Stewart of San Diego State University and SDSC.

Established in 1989, the Computerworld Smithsonian Awards honor men and women whose visionary use of information technology produces positive social, economic, and educational change. STEP was nominated in Education and Academia, one of 10 categories.

(updated 4/30/96)
Stewart will attend the Formal Presentation of the 1996 Computerworld Smithsonian Collection to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., June 3, 1996. Then the STEP materials (available now on this Web Page) will be available from the Smithsonian's permanent on-line collection. (end update)

The Smithsonian's permanent collection can be viewed at the Innovation Network on the World Wide Web. This collection of previous years' nominees, finalists and winners, describes the use and impact of information technology across all areas of endeavor.

Computerworld/Smithsonian Innovation Network (7june02 update)
Go to Archives 1989-2000 and then for Category Select Education and Academia,
Year 1996,
Laureate Name San Diego Supercomputer Center,
and then Search and then you will see STEP listed as the Application.

or you can read the materials linked below:
STEP Overview
Forty Word Summary:

STEP introduced high school teachers to the tools of computational science, including the Internet, and the evolving world of information technology. In the classroom, STEP participants share this knowledge with their students and help other teachers access these scientific resources.

The Submitted responses to the Five Questions:

The Five Slides:
higher resolution (1000x616x256)

Kris' Home Page at San Diego State University Upd due to SDSU

Send questions and comments to

Kris Stewart

Associate Professor
Mathematical Sciences
San Diego State University
Computational Science Curriculum Coordinator
San Diego Supercomputer Center
Program Coordinator
Supercomputer Teacher Enhancement Program
Faithful Worshipper of Eric Clapton