Professor Kris Stewart
Office Hours: BA223 MW 12-1:30
This course will complement your own major with the understanding and skills that let you make effective use of the world-wide computing resources and the Internet. We begin at SDSU with the resources you already have as a registered student:
Advances in computers and communications technology are bringing about a revolution that will make profound changes in virtually every aspect of your daily life. "The Computer Revolution," "The Information Age" – whatever name you choose to call it, this period of blindingly rapid change in human history is not just a technological revolution. It is a social and ethical revolution as well, because it touches every fiber of the social fabric of our time, and impacts everything we value. You can read in the newspaper of the "Digital Divide" separating persons with access to and the ability to effectively use technology from those still on the sidelines watching.
Text: Computers, Communications & Information: A User’s Introduction by Hutchinson and Sawyer, 7th Edition
We will use the Windows NT lab, BAM 120, for Windows applications and you will be expected to obtain your own personal Rohan account as soon as possible.