Nation-wide Cooperative Programs

The author has been fortunate to be involved with educational activities that can be directly related to the curriculum development of CS 575. The URLs are provided in this paper for those who have access to the Wide World Web. These are ancillary sources that readers are encouraged to investigate, but are not crucial for this presentation therefore no local copy will be provided here.

Department of Energy's
Undergraduate Computational Science and Engineering

Overview of UCES

High Performance Scientific Computing program from the University of Colorado, Boulder (WWW link)

local copy of first page

In 1991, the author was fortunate to attend one of the summer workshops presented at the University of Colorado, Boulder by Dr. Lloyd Fosdick and Dr. Elizabeth Jessup. An innovative year long undergraduate course in High Performance Scientific Computing (HPSC) has been developed there and the instructional materials (both lecture notes, tutorials and laboratory exercises) are available via anonymous ftp or via their WWW site above.