The documents produced by the High-Performance Scientific Computing (HPSC) group in the Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder are available for anonymous ftp. An index of those documents follows the description of the group and its history.
Members of the HPSC group are:
The project under which these documents have been produced received primary support from the National Science Foundation through an Educational Infrastructure grant CDA-9017953. Other supporters are the University of Colorado and Digital Equipment Corporation. Principal Investigators are Fosdick, Jessup, and Domik.
This project is concerned with the development of instructional materials and laboratory facilities for an undergraduate course in high-performance scientific computing and scientific visualization. The materials include a number of tutorials and reference manuals, a laboratory manual, and software to accompany the laboratory manual. We recognize that only selected parts of this material might be appropriate for your institution, and we have designed the material in such a way as to make such a selection relatively easy.
At the present time (January 1995), the tutorials, reference manuals,
and most of the laboratory manual and software are complete and available.
The files for the documents are in the form of compressed PostScript.
The code is available as compressed ascii files. Our materials (other
than the laboratory manual and software) will be published by MIT Press
in the summer of 1995 as the textbook:
An Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing
by L. Fosdick, E. Jessup, C. Schauble, and G. Domik.
You are free to use and copy this material for educational purposes only. Permission is not granted for the use of this material for commercial purposes. We would appreciate being notified of your use of this material, and we welcome your comments and criticisms.
A project as large as this is impossible to complete without the assistance of many people. Here we acknowledge those who most helped us to pull the whole thing together.
We start by thanking our collaborators, Brian Smith at the University of New Mexico, Jean Bell at the Colorado School of Mines, Xiaodong Zhang of the University of Texas at San Antonio, Jim Wixom at Fort Lewis College in Durango, and Steve Schaffer of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, and the evaluating committee, Kris Stewart, Dennis Gannon, Vance Faber, and Paul Swarztrauber.
We also thank the many people who have assisted us by writing text or software, by keeping the HPSC computer laboratory running, by telling us about their classroom experiences with our materials, by critiquing parts of the manuscript, or by otherwise sharing their expertise. These include Salim Alam, Chris Beattie, Raj Chaudhury, Dennis Colarelli, Bill Connor, Silvia Crivelli, Jack Dongarra, Ed Donley, Howard Foster, Steve Goldhaber, Dirk Grunwald, Chris Hall, Steve Hammond, Radka Kerpedjieva, David Kincaid, Alan Krantz, Michael Kreutner, Jim Lane, Todd Miller, Manav Misra, Evi Nemeth, Rich Neves, Paul Pinkney, Chris Redmond, Carlin Rodgers, Wolfgang Schildbach, Gene Schumacher, Anna Szczyrba, Jim Tung, Robert van de Geijn, Andre van der Hoek, John Wilson, the participants of the student and faculty workshops, and the students in the HPSC class here at CU Boulder.
A special acknowledgement goes to the participants of the first pilot class, Jeremy Asbill, Todd Englund, Chris Fischer, Soraya Ghiasi, Steve Judd, David Lloyd, and Harijono Tedjo.
We thank Digital Equipment Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, and Network Computing Devices, Inc. for equipment donations, the Hayden Image Processing Group of Boulder for use of their imaging software, and MasPar Computer Corporation, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) in Illinois for providing computing time on their machines.
Clicking on an item will open an ftp connection to the site and retrieve a copy of it. If you want to download the whole works, it is easier and more efficient to use ftp -i and then mget to connect directly and get everything. The entire archive is about 8 mb.
Most documents are compressed postscript, code examples are a tar image of compressed ascii. The number to the left of the item is its size in bytes (after compression). Many web browsers (netscape, mosaic, etc.) uncompress items they retrieve as ftp links. If yours does, the sizes shown will be one third to one half of the actual uncompressed size.
4190 README 37277 Syllabus 406347 Advection Tutorial 196129 CM2 Tutorial 499712 Code (tar archive) 149536 Cray Tutorial 153759 Elements of AVS 100579 Elements of Fortran 269781 Elements of IDL 298616 Elements of MATLAB 96465 Elements of Make 35038 Ftp Short Reference 58821 IEEE Arithmetic 76049 Lab Manual Chap 1 219921 Lab Manual Chap 2 99785 Lab Manual Chap 3 108695 Lab Manual Chap 4 114617 Lab Manual Chap 5 97157 Lab Manual Chap 6 47724 Lab Manual Chap 7 105919 Lab Manual Chap 8 115013 Lab Manual Chap 9 78441 Lab Manual Chap 10 100619 Lab Manual Chap 11 104537 Lab Manual Chap 12 25516 Lab Manual Front 266302 MIMD Tutorial 18656 Miniproject I 44175 Miniproject II 188347 Molecular Dynamics 141085 Numerical Review 193815 Performance Measurement 189253 SIMD Tutorial 130865 Sci Comp Overview 1511329 Scientific Visualization 946443 Tomography Tutorial 25574 Unix Short Ref 98475 Using Cray YMP at NCAR 76169 Using iPSC2 at UCB 123179 Vector Computing Tutorial 20436 Vi Short Ref 25467 execsumm_tr
Dept of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0430,