Local copy of first page of UCES materials
This is a voluntary group of faculty who meet on roughly a quarterly basis to discuss and disseminate curricula materials. The program is coordinated by Dr. Tom Marchioro of Ames Laboratory. UCES presented their first public viewing of the archive of curricula materials at Supercomputing '94 in Washington, D.C. The CS 205 Introduction to Computational Programming course at SDSU discussed above has been included in the UCES archive.
UCES goes further than simply promoting discussions and sharing materials. In 1994 an award was establish to recognize and reward superior contributions to the field of computational sicence education. This award to both faculty and students was renewed for 1995. UCES also publishes Computational Undergraduate Education, and electronic magazine showcasing interesting developments in the field.
UCES is undergoing extensive changes and you are encouraged to speak directly with Tom Marchioro who is attending SC95.