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June 4, 1998 (update)Summary of vBNS [Internet 2]Kris Stewart, Director, EC/CSE www.edcenter.sdsu.eduThis url is: www.edcenter.sdsu.edu/projects/vbns/vbns.htmlThe List is OUT and SDSU and UCSD are on it!
The CSU submitted their proposal (CalREN-2) in July, '97 for access to the vBNS and we're waiting to hear the final recommendations from NSF (the proposal is online www.aldea.com/cenic/phase2/toc.html The proposal was coordinated by Dave Sharpe at SDSU and the Ed. Center was part along with several other SDSU campus researchers) World-Wide "players" in the Global NetworkNPACI Networking Group Meeting SDSC 1/9/98 led by Jay Dombrowski of the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) provided the following list of on-line references (1/9/98)
Current Users of the vBNSA recent presentation at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (Jan. 27, 1998) by Dr. Sam Gustman, Director of Technology at the Shoah Foundation gave details on Advanced Digital Technology is the Basis for the New Technique of Visual History at the Shoah Visual History Foundation founded by filmmaker Steven Spielberg. CENIC Academic Advisory Council meeting: Jan. 15, 1998, UCLA Faculty
Club. Internet II ( www.internet2.edu) is the "grass-roots" project to facilitate education and research access to a very high speed network (the internet as we know it today is getting slow) The vBNS (www.vbns.net) is the very-high-performance Backbone Network Service). This is the MCI/NSF funded network in existence now for research applications needing the throughput. One of the most authoritative web sources on cutting edge Internet work is from Kim Claffy at SDSC. Kimberly is the Director of the National Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR), www.nlanr.net. Another source would be CAIDA (Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis) (www.caida.org) charged with oversite and development of a lot of the tools for accessing and evaluating the internet. UC Davis' Internet 2 Project Catalogtitanic.ucdavis.edu/i2 In compliance with the NSF requirement to provide a public display of research applications, Joan Gargano has commissions this site.Beginnings of a Web Site Description of SDSU ProjectsCENIC/AAC presentation (request similar information from all vBNS projects)MapsSDSU is on the map SDSU with DS3 connection. The CENIC Academic Advisory Council meeting (March 19, 1998 UCLA) was good starting point for discussions.OC3 (Fiber 155.52Mbps) over DS3 (Digital Signal 44.736Mbps) for our proposed research. One argument is ATM allows the exploration of reservation services for quality of service quarantees and our campus is locally ATM over OC12. We need to be prepared for why we need access to vBNS. A compelling argument is to list specific other vBNS sites that you will connect to. vBNS Backbone Network Map provides a graphical map. vBNS Logical Network Map may be more informative. (NOTE: SDSU appears on this map as DS3 3/3/98) Institution/Laboratory list already approved with contact information (NOTE: first column gives actual status, e.g. "C" connected or "TBD" to be determined or "--" not quite yet). Another list of vBNS sites is vBNS Site List.\ Dynamic Map where you can select the region and network (best one)A dramatic, dynamic "map" of all major high speed networks CAIDA BackbonesNegotiations with the CSU Chancellor's Office (PI of Grant)
We should invite Kim Claffy to come to SDSU for a presentation. Kimberly's latest recommended text to learn about networks is: An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking: ATM Networks, the Internet and the Telephone Network by S. Keshav, Addison-Wesley, 1997. The author's home page http://www.cs.cornell.edu/skeshav/default.htm contains extensive information on the author, his research and teaching, even powerpoint slides for his networking courses at Cornell U. using this text.
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