Update - 11 Nov 2023 |
Automated Survey Creation Process |
Automated Survey Creation Process HomeThe Automated Survey Creation Process (ASCP) is an on-line survey creation tool that allows even the most non-technically minded user to create, administer and collect the results of on-line surveys. A key feature of its design is seamless integration with the Sociology WorkBench. The first step to upload a customized survey is the creation of a delimited text file containing your survey questions. There is an example delimited file along with the file requirements. Once you have created this file, you can begin the upload process by signing in to the Automated Survey Creation Process. Click on "Create New Survey" and follow the instructions from there. The ASCP is still a work in progress, so keep your eyes open for more user-friendly features to come! |
LARC CAST homeThe American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) has been administering their face-to-face or telephonic Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) for over 20 years. The ACTFL OPI has earned a reputation for being the most recognized, comprehensive and valid test of foreign language speaking ability. The ACTFL OPI is used in many different capacities, such as educational program assessment, entrance or exit exams, and employment qualification. Due to the fact that there are not enough certified interviewers to cover all languages in every institution, the cost of the interviews can become prohibitive. In an effort to bring this level of testing to the masses, a consortium of five institutions has come together to develop the CAST project (Computerized ACTFL-based Screening Tool). The CAST project will be a simulated "conversation" between an interviewee and a computer. The interviewee will view video prompts over an internet connection and respond by recording their response through a Java applet. These responses are stored for later rating by a certified ACTFL interviewer. The ECCSE is proud to be part of the CAST development team that also includes programmers and linguists from the Defense Language Institute, the Language Acquisition Resource Center at SDSU, Brigham Young University, the Center on Applied Linguistics and ACTFL to develop this tool. |
Computational Science Olympics Undergraduate Competition | ||
Computational Science Olympics homeThe EdCenter is pleased to announce the continuation of an exciting and challenging RESEARCH PROJECT COMPETITION for CSU undergraduate students. The focus of the competition is computational science, in particular the use of advanced computing resources and Web applications for research in disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology, engineering, geography, social sciences, the humanities - just about any discipline! Visit the CSO 2004 page to learn more.. |
Regional WorkBench Consortium | |
Regional WorkBench Consortium/EdCenter siteThe Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering at San Diego State University is collaborating with the Regional WorkBench Consortium to create some exciting 3D flythrough capabilities for education on regional planning. This is a "pre-alpha" prototype with only limited interactivity. There will be much more interactivity to come. |
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"Written in Stone" Earthquake Animations | |
View the "Written in Stone" animationsThese animations were developed by EdCenter Staff Scientist Jeff Sale for the educational video "Written in Stone" produced by San Diego State professor Pat Abbott. This project was funded by and developed for the California Seismic Safety Commission. These animations offer visual explanations for some of the more complex processes involved in earthquake dynamics. They also include some practical mitigation procedures for securing one's home for protection during an earthquake. |
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Computational Science Resource Community |
Computational Science Resource Community home The EOT-PACI Computational Science Resources Community (CSRC) is a collection of high quality interactive online learning materials, assignments, reviews, and people with a connection to the field of Computational Science, and particularly with the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI) and the National Computational Science Alliance (NCSA). |
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