Faculty Fellows | |
Undergraduate Computational Science Olympics (CSO) Competition | |
Sociology Workbench | |
Assessment and Analysis | |
Internet2 (High Performance Network) for SDSU | |
Presentations to SDSU, the CSU and EOT-PACI | |
National EOT-PACI partnerships for education | |
Information on the Internet | |
Distance Education | |
Computational Science in Secondary Schools |
Partnership with NISE ILT:
September 1999 marks the beginning of collaboration between the EC/CSE and
the National Institute for Science Education
NISE. Jean-Pierre
CSU Sacramento is an NPACI Fellow with year and attended
the EC/CSE
CSU Faculty Workshop in June
1999 at SDSU and SDSC.
1998/99 Evaluation by NISE/LEAD researchers: