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The EdCenter
Faculty Fellows Program

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Learn how to become an ECCSE Faculty Fellow

About the Program:

The Faculty Fellows is an innovative program established in 1998 that provides release time and expert assistance to faculty members in an ongoing effort to foster the use of high-performance computing in the undergraduate curriculum.

Fellows work in their particular discipline in collaboration with the EdCenter's team of educators and developers.
  digital terrain model

virtual physics machining

The EdCenter team meets with the Fellows every other week for an hour long "synergy session" providing a chance for valuable interaction beyond their particular discipline.  

The Fellows share their classroom strategies, successes and challenges, helping to nurture a lasting bond based on a common pedagogical experience at the "front lines" of curricular change.

To become an EdCenter Faculty Fellow...

Interested faculty should submit preliminary proposals (roughly two pages in length) to the EdCenter describing the curricular component with the potential to accentuate NPACI/Alliance technology enhancement efforts.

These proposals are evaluated by the EdCenter and the co-sponsoring college deans based on:

  • Originality
  • Established links with NPACI or Alliance projects
  • Potential long-term impact on curricula and
  • The individual college's ability to provide instructional support

Please send your inquiries and/or two page proposal, via e-mail, to: edcenter@sdsu.edu

THE ECCSE IS located "under the dome" in the Love Library Addition, Lower Level Room 073. For more details on our location, see our directions.


More about the EdCenter Faculty Fellows Program:

As a very successful part of our NSF funded activities with NPACI, we are continuing the Faculty Fellows program.

The goal of this program is to support faculty committed to including visualization and modeling resources, such as those developed for High Performance Computing, into their undergraduate curriculum.

Each academic year, we support up to six Fellows (1/4 salary at up to the Associate Professor level for one semester), through a generous "match" by college deans.

water at the earth's surface

SDSU faculty members interested in the 2003/2004 Faculty Fellows Program have submitted at most two pages addressing the following points to edcenter@sdsu.edu by August 1, 2003. for Fall semester support, addressing following questions:

  1. Which Undergraduate curriculum will you enhance through the incorporation of a visualization or modeling technology from the National Partnership for Advanced Computing Infrastructure (NPACI)? For example, access to Digital Libraries, VRML OR JAVA-3D representation of large data sets, access to the Protein Data Bank, Collaborative Molecular Visualization, online social survey data analysis, or collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Technology in Humanities.
  2. Which NPACI technology will you use and what deliverable do you expect to produce, e.g. several lectures accessing NPACI resources over the Web, computer-based laboratory incorporating NPACI resource, etc.? A series of web-based learning modules is preferred.
  3. What is your time line for accomplishing this enhancement?
  4. How will you involve your own College instructional support staff to assist you? The ECCSE staff will also work with you and your College staff.
  5. How will you evaluate learning outcomes of this curriculum enhancement?
  6. What are your plans for presenting your experiences through this fellowship to your own Department (or College)?


Automated Cartography

We ask that the actual "deliverables" be made available to the General SDSU Community through a Campus-Wide invited presentation at the completion of your Fellowship or through the ECCSE Home Page.

The selection of Faculty Fellows for the 2003/2004 year has been made by the ECCSE in consultation with the College Deans mentioned above.

For a broad look at our other activities at the EdCenter over past years, and at previous years' Faculty Fellow program, we recommend visiting our Home page itself at http://www.edcenter.sdsu.edu.


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