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Using the Torque 3d Gaming Engine to Explore the Lithium Atom


The EdCenter is collaborating with local high school science teacher Robert North from Hoover High School to develop a lesson on the nuclear force for his students using the Torque 3D Gaming Engine. This project is funded in part by the NSF Engaging People in Cyberinfrastructure program (EPIC). Our vision is to enhance student's motivation levels through the use of photorealistic multi-user environments within which students may navigate and explore in an inquiry-based fashion.

Developers of the Torque Game illustrating Nuclear Force
John Nguyen
Skylar Hayes

A Virtual Lithium Battery is used to describe various properties of the Nuclear Force. State Standard 11.a Nuclear Procdesses http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/scchemistry.asp

View the Chemistry Module currently under development by Robert North , Hoover High School.

Do you have a concept that is difficult for your students to understand that you feel an Interactive 3D computer model would help with ? Contact us: edcenter@sdsu.edu

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