History of NAD Waikele / Waikele Gulch

This url is stewart.sdsu.edu/wendy/WSS.html
updated 09July2022

NAD Waikele
JoyceF & I are on vacation to Oahu before starting grad school, Stanford U for Joyce and SDSU for me. NAD Waikele still here in Summer 1976

Much of this information is found at WSS, Hawaii's Most Unique Storage Facility, Waikele Self Storage-select the History tab, see image below

WSS logo
History of Waikele Caves pdf 3 pages online
History of NAD Oahu pdf 2 pages. online
Navy Construction WW2, 1939on pdf 40 pages, online
Oahu p.3/40
Materials from Waikele Self Storage
Property photo tour waikeleselfstorage.com/property-photo-tour.html;
USMC Waikele Reunion waikeleselfstorage.com/u-s-marine-corps-waikele-nad-reunion-pt1.html;
Details of the storage lockers waikeleselfstorage.com/625-square-foot-lockers-with-private-entry.html

Bunkers stored munitions from 1940 to '93, Star Advertiser article pdf online