Sharing with Another User To share your project, including source code, with an XNA Game Studio user 1. In XNA Game Studio, open the project you want to share. 2. On the Build menu, click Clean Solution. This removes any built and intermediate files, leaving only the source code and assets. If you do not have this menu item, see "Cleaning the Solution Before You Build" in Deploying an Xbox 360 Game. 3. Open Windows Explorer, and browse to the folder that contains the project you want to share. 4. Right-click on the project folder in Windows Explorer, click Send To, and then click Compressed (zipped) Folder. The compressed file is ready to share.I am accepting RAR files [I use software] and it appears that ZIP and RAR do a good job on compressions.
Once the groups are finalized, I will distribute 8GB thumb drives to use to turn in your final group code, with documentation. You may find the following Microsoft Word template useful.
When you work in groups you will need to have a group concensus for file management. Rohan can host CVS