University Senate IT Committee - 03Nov05 2pm - Summary After

Attending: Bob Hoffman, Cyndie Chie, Bongsik Shin, Min Jong Won, MaryAnn Lyman-Hager, Richard Burkett, John Denune, John Ross, Felecia Vlahos, Bob Cademy, Kevin Carter, Riny Ledgerwood

Sunmmary: We met in SSW 2601 Electronic Board Room, but had no access to web browser, so a paper-copy of

was used to guide discussion. The first item was to review the Memo that could be used to present to the University Senate requesting a Change to the Policy File concerning the makeup, charge and rationale for change. The main discussion concerned the membership, with a desire to have the membership reflect both the traditional faculty representation and adding professional staff advisors. With the constraint of all members vote and the size should be manageable, 15 was the final.

        9 faculty representative
           1 from each of 7 colleges, the Library and
           Imperial Valley Campus
        1 staff representative
        1 student representative (appointed by Associated Students)

	1 representative from Information Technology Security Office (ITSO)
	1 Academic Affairs IT Coordinator
	1 representative from IT Managers Committee
	1 representative from Instructional Technology Services
The rest of the memo reflected earlier discussions and was not pursued.

As arranged, at 2:30 Riny Ledgerwood joined the discussion to answer questions on Mirapoint. The recent change in the software used on the system was the topic and the IT Committee expressed an interest in having email flagged as SPAM and still delivered, rather than the new, current policy to delete the mail with no notice to the recipient or sender. The discussion was lively and clarifications were made between what Ms. Ledgerwood felt was a business decision to support users and some users' concerns on missing important email. John Denune helped clarify some issues. The issue was not resolved, but the IT Committee did run out of time for further discussions.

Meeting ended at 3:30pm

Original version below
We will meet in the College of Business Administration's Electronic Board Room SSW 2601, kindly set up for us by committee member Bongsik Shin.

Our Agenda for Thursday

1) Feedback from Senate Officers on name/charge change
Bob Cademy presented our [suggested change adopted at our October 05 meeting] to Senate Chair and Vice-Chair and met with Kris Stewart and John Ross afterwards to talk over a possible altered memo that might be accepted by Senate Exec for passing along to the full University Senate. One consideration is that the size of the committee be kept "workable" (not too large) and that all members vote. The Senate IT Committee did vote last year and agreed to extend voting rights to our Advisor/Consultants. Now keeping the committee to a workable size would mean cutting number of faculty representatives.

Possible Revised Memo for name change and membership
Your Thoughts?

2) 2:30 Riny Ledgerwood joins us to answer any question on Mirapoint
Mirapoint is the software running on
Stewart reply to Email Message from Sally Roush [Roush response to IT Committee memo, Stewart request to ITC]
Email Message to Campus [postpone MiraPoint, from Riny Ledgerwood] [Campus Instructional Academic Computing Committee] [SDSU Information Technology Committees - note: our Senate IT Committee is listed]
How are your IT support staff handling email filtering?

3) Issues with your college? Your colleagues?