Tour of the San Diego Supercomputer Center
April 16, 1999

Welcome to CS 575 Students from San Diego State U.
Dr. Kris Stewart

  • Education Center on Computational Science & Engineering EC/CSE

    Enhancing Undergraduate Curricula with High Performance Computing Tools and Technologies for the California State University System and the National Education Community

    What is the mission of the EC/CSE?

    Foster the incorporation of high performance research tools for scientific investigation into the undergraduate curriculum to better prepare learners for post-Baccalaureate activities where

    Demos and tours today

  • San Diego Bay Project
    1. San Diego Bay
    2. Models of the bay
  • Microsoft's Terraserver will be good to view from the SGI lab due to the fast Internet connection at SDSC (OC12 [624MB/s] while SDSC has a shared T3 [4.65MB/s])

    The Grand Plan:

    National Science Foundation's Division of Advanced Scientific Computing made five year awards supporting two High Performance Computing (HPC) Centers in San Diego (, NPACI) and Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, (, NCSA), to build the national infrastructure in HPC through partnerships. The cooperative partnership of the educators from both teams has resulted in the