News for 2005 | 2004 |2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 San Diego Supercomputer Center General Staff Meeting, December 13, 2000 Kris Stewart, Jeff Sale
and Mikhail Burstein presented a brief overview of the Computational Science
Resource Community (CSRC) tool which is a collaboration between the EC/CSE
and the California State University Center for Distributed Learning. Members
of the SDSC staff were invited to become a member of this online community
and add their own resources as well as comments on resources already available.
Please click the link below to view slide show presented at the conference: SuperComputing 2000 Conference
SIAM's First Conference on Computational Science and
Engineering CSE00
NPACI's (National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure) Ed Center on Computational Science Director Kris Stewart (San Diego State University) spoke on computational science education at two mini symposia held at the Society for Industrial and Applied Math (SIAM) First Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE00), which was held September 21-24 2000. in Washington, D.C. |
SDSC (San Diego Supercomputer
Center) Interns
"Show Their Stuff" at Poster Session |
Bringing Bioinformatics to Biology Education: A Hands-on Workshop to Develop Labs for Introductory and Advanced Courses Biology Workbench Workshop, July 28-30, 2000 at San Diego State University, is discussed in NPACI Online article
NPACI Participants Invited to Present at SIAM First Conference on Computational Science and Engineering on September 21-24, 2000.
Presentation at the PITAC Transforming Learning Workshop
Kris Stewart attended the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee Transforming Learning Workshop and presented work on "Using Information Technology in Formal Education", July 17, 2000 at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. (View the presentation in html or powerpoint)
Presentation at the EPSCoR Conference: 'Achieve Ubiquitous Networking for Research and Education
Kris Stewart presented an overview of 'Ed Center Goals and Successes' at the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) workshop, July 20, 2000 at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. (View the presentation in html or powerpoint)
Computational Chemistry, Graphics & Visualization and the Connectedness of the Internet, SDSC Lab part of the General Atomic (GA) Plasma Institute 2000 June 28, 2000. This presentation from Dr. R. Steckler, Dr. M. Bailey and Dr. K. Stewart discussed in NPACI Online article. For more details please check the agenda for copies of the presentations.
Online article describing SDSC's Tom Perrine to Speak at SDSU on Computer
Security in Academic Environment on April 27th, 2000.
Meanwhile, Award Presentation
to the winners of Computational
Science Olympics will be held .
NPACI Online articles about the proceedings for the third annual NPACI All-Hands Meeting (AHM), held February 8-12, 2000.
Dr. Kris Stewart and Dr. Ilya Zaslavsky made a presentation at the conference SITE2000 -Society For Information Technology& Teacher Education which is organized by AACE -Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education on Feb 8-12, 2000. View their paper or their presentation (html or powerpoint).
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