goal of Engaging People In Cyberinfrastructure (EPIC) is to build
human capacity by creating awareness of the opportunities afforded through
Cyberinfrastructure and by educating and training a diverse group of people in
all stages of life from K-12 to professional practice to fully participate in
the Cyberinfrastructure community as developers, users, and leaders.
strategies designed to meet this goal include:
1: Providing an
integrated spectrum of computational science education and training in the use
of tools and resources, for science and math education at all levels,
2: Enabling
access to advanced technologies and tools in education and outreach,
3: Ensuring diversity by both supporting specific
access and inclusion projects and infusing every aspect of EPIC with diversity,
access, and inclusion, and
4: Establishing
a large energized community of educators, students, researchers, and citizens
engaged in developing and using cyberinfrastructure.
extensive cohort of partners around the country offer numerous opportunities to
engage diverse communities: workshops and meetings; “train the trainers” activities;
professional development, mentoring, and youth programs; diversity and
accessibility programs; development of learning mate
We welcome your participation in the EPIC
projects and activities.
EPIC Partners
We welcome your participation in the EPIC
projects and activities.