Wendy Christine Beard
10Jan1951 - August 1966
Not that Wendy died in 1966, but changed name to Kris
This url stewart.sdsu.edu/wendy/
Updated: 105Dec2024 back to Kris' home page
Wendy Beard =
Kris Stewart, Professor of
Computer Science, Emerita 2013, at San Diego State University; joined the faculty in 1984 as Assistant Professor of Numerical Analysis
Nancy Beard [Douglas] (sister), Janet Douglas Beard (mom), Wendy Christine Beard (me),
Wendell Otis Beard (dad)
Beard Family Xmas Card Photo 1961? Wendy/Kris (next to the Major) is in 5th grade at Belinder Elementary School, Prairie Village, KS
Valid stories (in film) related to my life:
Marine Corps
brat https://www.bratswithoutborders.org/
Military brat (U.S. subsculture) Wikipedia
The Great Santini
Glad dad had two daughters; no son could compete with him. "Women should be kept barefoot and pregnant", can be a motivator.
The Boomer Century: 1946-2046
PBS documentary
I am proud to be called a Marine Corps Brat.
What is unique about this life?
- You move every 2 or 3 years [I got one (1) moving carton for "my stuff", no wonder I'm a packrat now.]
- Besides moving so often, being raised as a military dependent is unique:
- If a child misbehaves, it goes on the parent's military service record and may impact their career.
- Big difference living-on base with fellow "brats" or off-base with "civilians".
- Each change of duty the family would make the big trip to visit the relatives [Aunt Dorothy Summers (Janet's sister) & Cousin John in La Habra; Grandpa Don Douglas (Janet's father) at cattle ranch in Coarsegold; Mimi (Janet's mother, Selma Douglas) in Whittier; Grandma/pa Beard (Wendell's parents) in Sacramento, later Harper, Kansas.]
- Wendell O Beard, Father
- Janet Douglas Beard, Mother
- Don Douglas, Janet's father, their whole family spent summers in
the High Sierras,
Mammoth Lakes.
- MLPO, Mammoth Lakes Pack Outfit
is now run by John Summers, Kris' cousin, Janet's nephew.