HPCC in Education / Professional Activities

Education paper "HPC Curriculum Development at SDSU using SDSC resources" has been refereed and accept for Supercomputing '95, San Diego, Dec. 3-8, 1995. Join us!

On sabbatical leave Fall 1992. In Spring 1993, received full-time NSF funding to begin work with high school computational science program (STEP = Supercomputer Teacher Enhancement Program).

San Diego Supercomputer Center
Currently receive half time support during the academic year 1994/95 as well as 1995/96 from the San Diego Supercomputer Center to allow me to continue my participation in curriculum development in scientific computing. I represent SDSC at national meetings, with the provision that I am listed SDSU first, SDSC second.

SAC Snowmass
Panelist at the Seminar for Academic Computing (SAC) at Snowmass, Colorado, in August, 1995 to speak on "Is High Performance Computing Appropriate for Undergraduate Education?". My answer is a very strong YES .

I have worked with many of the faculty in the College of Sciences at SDSU to promote curriculum development in computational science.

I have been working with Dr. Bruce Hillam at Cal Poly Pomona to promote computational science through the CSU system. Bruce distributed a summary of Supercomputing '94 which pointed out several of my own activities in this area.

Invited to sponsor a minisymposium at the Scientific Computing and Differential Equations (SciCADE95) International Conference at Stanford University, March 1995. The panel consisted of Dr. R.C. Allen (Sandia Labs), Dr. Tom Marchioro (Ames Labs), Chuck Swanson (Cray Research), Dr. Dan Sulzbach (Genetech Corporation) and Dr. Gary Johnson (George Mason University). These respected speakers from the bio-tech field, the government labs and academia spoke on what they expect of students that they hire to work in computational science.

I was invited to be a participant in the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Visiting Lecturer Program in 1992. I have given several talks and continue to be a part of this program. The most recent invitation was to visit the University of Houston-Downtown.

SDSC Steering Committee
I represent San Diego State University on the San Diego Supercomputer Center Steering committee. The Steering Committee has a representative from each the 27 member institutions and is the mechanism for SDSC to receive significant input from the academic community. This committee meets quarterly.

NSF funds SUE (Supercomputing and Undergraduate Education)
Undergraduate Curriculum Development in Advanced Computing, NSF/DASC Research Grant with Dan Sulzbach (PI), San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1990-93 ($79,833).