Lessons Learned from In-Service Teacher Enhancement in Computational Science

SIAM Annual Conference
Kansas City, Mo
July 23,1996
This URL is stewart.sdsu.edu/siam96/

Dr. Kris Stewart (stewart@sdsu.edu)
Associate Professor, Mathematical & Computer Sciences Department
San Diego State Univeristy
San Diego, CA 92182
Computational Science Curriculum Coordinator
San Diego Supercomputer Center

Abstract: This poster presents STEP (Supercomputer Teacher Enhancement Program), an in-service program for high school science and math teachers, with significant underrepresented student populations. STEP was funded by the NSF to provide training on tools and techniques of Computational Science at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. STEP began in 1993 (before NCSA Mosaic "hit the net") and the group has advanced with the times. The participants have developed extensive Web based materials applicable to the high school class room.

Three years of work with teachers has taught this author much that she would like to share. Intensive summer workshops, follow-on Saturday meetings during the academic year and the culminating presentations by the STEP participants at SUPERCOMPUTING '95 were some of the components of the program.

STEP has recently been included in the permanent collection of the Smithsonain Institution on the use and impact of information technology. STEP

HPCCC = High Performance

STEP documents from anonymous ftp site
A Discussion

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