Glen & Kris won lottery for Sneak Preview Tickets Finding Nemo 07June07
Glen and Kris Stewart are Annual Passport members of Disneyland (and California Adventure). We had the oppportunity to enter the lottery for special "Sneak Peak" tickets to ride the "Finding Nemo" relaunch of the Submarine Ride. The subs had been closed for nearly a decade.
Yesterland Submarine Ride
history of Disneyland Submarine Ride
Submarine Ride Reoopens after a decade of closue
The park is "empty" since we enter early
Walt and the mouse
Now the general public enters
Lineup at Submarines Official Grand Opening 11June2007
Finally have the Yellow Submarines in action again
Monorail travels over the Submarine Lagoon
About to Load Us
Our sub is the Scout
Matterhorn from the Submarine Lagoon