CS583 Beginnings - Spr2013 - upd2
Kris Stewart

Updated to provide direct access to my link of Aaron Reed code to accompanying textbook 17dec2013.

stewart@sdsu.edu / Please put cs583 in subject field
GMCS 535 (office) / GMCS 408 (game lab) / Will post on GMCS 535 door if in GMCS 408
Office Hours Mon Wed 10-11:30a in GMCS 535/408
This doc: http://www.stewart.sdsu.edu/cs583_spr2013/cs583-intro-23jan2013.html, 04March Individ Res Rep
The class uses Blackboard extensively at SDSU.
The lectures are available from rohan


Welcome to AH1112 - the campus LRC (Learning Research Center)\
The Instructional Technology Services (ITS) of SDSU has a theme for courses which use their Learning Research Studio (LRS) in AH1112 and require that faculty apply for permission to use this resource. Therefore I require that you help me make effective use here by always picking up after yourself, leave the room neater than we may find it and respect the equipment that can be used here. LRS AH 1112. There are also policies and procedures we will follow: its.sdsu.edu/spaces/lrsPolicy.html

Blackboard (Bb) documents - Syllabus - available 17jan2013 on Bb

Welcome to Game Programming with XNA 4.0

I assume students in this course have the prerequisite of programming in a higher level language. The catalog lists CS 310 Data Structures which is the easy way to specify that you are already a programmer at some level.

Under Course Document, you will find the "Data Structures from Game Point of View" document that I recommend looking at now.

Next Wednesday (30Jan2013), meet in GMCS 408 after lecture in AH1112, say 3:30pm. This is our Computer Science Gaming Lab and you should know what is available - 8 PCs + Xbox 360 (on the network) and a Kinect .

Grades, Assignments (also in the SYLLABUS)
The breakout for grades is as follows:
• 25% Research Report (individual) [Assign#2, #3]
• 25% 2D game project with documentation (individual) [Assign#4, #5]
• 40% Final group 3D game project with documentation (as group member) [Assign#7, #8, #9]
• 10% Participation and in-class assignments [Assign#1, #6, attendance]
Your 2D and 3D game projects will be useful for students in subsequent courses to examine for guidance. If you require that your work not be viewed by future students, please advise the instructor.

Class Calendar - at end of Syllabus)
Assign#1 – Introduce yourself and upload a picture of yourself – Due 31Jan
Assign#2 – State your research paper topic, with introductory paragraph and at least 2 peerreviewed reference – Due 15Feb
Assign#3 – Individual Research Report – upload to Bb TurnItIn Assignment by 04March
Assign#4 – Individual 2d Game Proposal – Due 08March
Assign#5 – Individual 2d Game code with user guide and description (Zip-file of your “Clean Build”) [based on textbook through Chapter 8] – Due 22March
Assign#6 – Discussion Board Assignment – Group 3d Game – due before Spring Break – 29Mar
Assign#7 – 3d Game Group Plan with Lead and roles for other members specified – due 19 April
Assign#8 – 3d Game Doc – due at time of final exam
Assign#9 – Final Group 3d Game – due at time of final exam

Current Reading
You should be reading Chaper 2 of the textbook. If you read the preface to the textbook, which is always a good idea, then you know Chapter 1: What's New in XNA 4.0? is not recommended for anyone who has not already worked with XNA.

Are there questions?
Who needs an Add Code?
Who needs to be signed up for MSDNAA?