Future & Status of Microsoft XNA & related thoughts

The May issue of Game Developer Magazine [GDM]
game developer
I highly recommend the article under Programming - Inner Product. "From XNA to Monogame: Tips for Migrating your XNA Skillset to MonoGame" pp 45-52.

And the PostMortem on Hundreds, by Adam Saltsman. This is an exercise that each group should pursue after the final exam presentation - one week from today - 1-3pm in AH1112.

Letter from the Editor, Patrick Miller
All Good Things...
It's true. If you haven't heard already, Game Developer is ceasing publication. After running just short of 20 years, we're closing up shop. Fortunately, however, we still have two issues left before our run is up, so on to the newsletter!
The May issue is just about to hit your mailboxes, and it's a goodie! We dedicated the May issue to all things mobile, so we've got an excellent postmortem of Semi Secret Software's early 2013 iOS hit Hundreds, a cross-section of Android devs talking about their experiences developing (and doing business) outside Apple's walled garden, and an excellent primer on dipping your toes into the world of user analytics.

Father Hires Video Game Assassin to Kill Son's Character