CS 575 Supercomputing - Fall 2003 - Report Template One
Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2003 - BAM 110 Lab

Author Fill in your name here
Course CS 575
Assignment Analysis of CPU Timing Performance
Due Date Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003


Put your introduction here stating the problem you are solving and briefly want you plan to present in this report. (one or two paragraphs, probably).


Put your narrative here (the body of your report - should be a couple of pages when printed out as hard copy). Clearly indicate how you solved your "stated problem" and explain whatever is needed to support your conclusions in the next section. You can refer to the data you have gathered by the data table number in the appendix.


Put your conclusions here (several paragraphs, probably).


Put your data files here (these should probably use N = 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, ... labeled with titles, such as
Table 1: Summary for Problem Sizes N as appropriate).