Update ** please note - indicate which project on your Individual Contribution Email to stewart@rohan.sdsu.edu ** Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 08:56:42 -0800 (PST) From: kris stewart To: cs575@rohan.sdsu.edu Subject: Individual Contribution to Group Report3 Serial Stommel Rohan Performance Happy Thanksgiving! I was pleased that all of the groups turned in the Hard Copy of their report. Just two more reminders: 1) POC of the group must send me mail indicating that assign3.html is read to be viewed. Don't forget to cc: the members of your group on this note to ensure the group members remain "in-the-loop" 2) Each individual MUST send to me the following Individual Contribution to Group Report3 on Serial Stommel Performance on Rohan. Each individual member of the group's assessment of their contribution, along with the contribution of the other members, is that only way I can distribute the credit for the effort you have put in. Thanks and enjoy the Thanksgiving break. kris stewart stewart@rohan.sdsu.edu BAM223 OH MonWed 1-2:30pm ===================================================================== Please fill in information below and email back to stewart@rohan.sdsu.edu Project: Group Report on Serial Stommel Code Running on Rohan Your Name: __________ Your Contribution: _______ Team Name2: _________ Their Contribution: _________ Team Name3: _________ Their Contribution: _________ Total Contribution = 100% It is required that each group member return their own form.