CS 575 Supercomputing - Report 2: Heat Diffusion
October 9, 2002

Dr. Kris Stewart (stewart@rohan.sdsu.edu)
San Diego State University

This URL is http://www.stewart.cs.sdsu.edu/cs575/assignments/report2_diffusion.html

Purpose: Introduce Linear System solving A x = b

Our computational experiments for this course involve both synthesis and analysis. I would like you to begin the synthesis portion by reading through the following materials. Later you will be asked to devise a specific experiment to produce values that you will analyze, comprising the analysis portion of the assignment. Since we do not have Math 542 or Math 693b as a prerequisite, many of you will be unfamiliar with the discretization of a region to allow the approximation of the solution to a partial differential equation. Therefore the materials below provide this background in a manner focused on our needs in CS 575 Supercomputing.

On Monday, October 14, I will distribute the next assignment, which will involve a computational experiment (using codes that will be available then) where you must insert the calls to the system timer), examining the output from these codes and writing a report discussing your discoveries (report template and specifics available Monday). Your results and report will be due in two weeks, on October 30.

  1. Diagram of Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Plate
  2. Overview of Main Program (either language)

Background material for those not familiar with counting operations (with suggestions how to evaluate work), Gaussian Elimination algorithm, and operation count for Gaussian Elimination and Solves

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