Run Time Stack - Ch 7 - Part 2 of 2

This lecture for Wednesday 18 Oct 06
s0 for globals
s1 for display level 1 (d[1])
s2 for display level 2 (d[2])
s3 for display level 3 (d[3])
top_sp     Top of Stack (TOS)
This is a continuation from lecture1.rts providing another example.

                                       |  space      |
                                       |   for       |
                                       |   vars      |
                                       | old level ? | control
Activation record (AR) for a procedure | return addr |  info
*** AR(1) refers to AR for P1; AR(2) refers to AR for P2; AR(3) for P3 
and AR(4) for P4 (since each proc with have similar control information, 
and different space for local variables

  The size of the activation record is known at compile time,
  so we can set put the appropriate pushes/pops

In lecture 1,  we  used $s0 for globals, $s1 for level 1, $s2 for level 2
                  $s3 for level 3 and $top_sp for top of stack (TOS)

The code outline looks like:

   proc P1
       proc P2
            proc P3
            end 3;

            proc P4
              invokes proc P3 or proc P4 (recursively)
            end 4;
       invokes proc P3
       invokes proc P4
       end 2;
   invokes proc P2
   end 1;

invokes proc P1
end main


Main calls P1 calls P2 calls P3 and P3 returns
                       calls P4 calls P4' calls P4'' calls P4''' calls P3

Set up for the first part of this calling sequence: Main calls P1 calls P2 calls P3 The Display: --------------------------- | calls P1 P2 P3 | |-------------------------- | d[3] ? ? P3 | --------------------------- | d[2] ? P2 P2 | --------------------------- | d[1] P1 P1 P1 | --------------------------- | saved: ? ? ? | --------------------------- The Display Picture of the RTS ------------------------------- $top_sp -> ------------------ |local vars (P3) | | : old d[3] |----> (old $s3 never set) |AR(3): return | $s3 -> ------------------ |local vars (P2) | | : old d[2] |----> (old $s2 never set) |AR(2): return | $s2 -> ------------------ |local vars (P1) | | : old d[1] |----> (old $s1 never set) |AR(1): return | $s1 -> ------------------ | | | global vars | $s0 -> ------------------ |Code P1, P2, P3 | | | | code main | ------------------
and now we continue, therefore P3 has returned. Main calls P1 calls P2 calls P4 calls P4(') calls P4('') calls P4(''') calls P3 ---------------------- ------------------------------ | calls P1 P2 P4 P4' P4'' P4''' P3 | |--------------------- ------------------------------ | d[3] ? ? P4 P4' P4'' P4''' P3 | ---------------------- ------------------------------ | d[2] ? P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 | ---------------------- ------------------------------ | d[1] P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 | ---------------------- ------------------------------ | saved: ? ? ? P4 P4' P4'' P4''' | ---------------------- ----------------------------- $top_sp -> ------------------ |local vars (P3) | | : old d[3] |----------------------------------* |AR(3): return | | $s3 -> ------------------ | |local vars (P4) | | | : old d[3] |--------------------------------* | |AR(4): return | | | ------------------ <<-----------------------------|-* |local vars (P4) | | | : old d[3] |-----------------------------* | |AR(4): return | | | ------------------ <<--------------------------|--* |local vars (P4) | | | : old d[3] |--------------------------* | |AR(4): return | | | ------------------ <<-----------------------|--* |local vars (P4) | | | : old d[3] |----> (old $s3 never set) | |AR(4): return | | ------------------ <<-----------------------* |local vars (P2) | | : old d[2] |----> (old $s2 never set) |AR(2): return | $s2 -> ------------------ |local vars (P1) | | : old d[1] |----> (old $s1 never set) |AR(1): return | $s1 -> ------------------ | | | global vars | $s0 -> ------------------ |Code P1, P2, P3 | | | | code main | ------------------
return to Ch7 Run Time Environment lecture