CAL Tsou, Ming-Hsiang; Business Shin, Bonsik; Education Hoffman, Robert; Engineering Impelluso, Tom; Health and Human Services Min, Jong Won; Imperial Valley Campus Fajardo, Javier; Library Jeffery, Keven; PSFA Burkett, Richard; (Matt Hebert) Sciences Stewart, Kris; Staff, Lisa Heizer; ITS Frazee, James; Acad Affairs, Ross, John; CIO, Pickett, Rich; IT Sec Office Denune, John/ Vlahos, Felecia; IT Managers, Carter, Kevin; AS representative Nicholas TurnerPlease be prompt, we must finish in time for some committee members to get to 11am obligations.
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Proposed CSU System-wide Security Policies and Standards Responsible Use Policy v1 Draft Systemwide Info Security Policy v1 Draft Systemwide Info Security Standards v1 Draft Glossary v1 Draft