University Senate IIT Committee - Fall 06

Third Meeting 30Nov06 AH1120 Updates on Accessibility / Sr. Dir. IT hired

Second Meeting 26Oct06 - ADA-compatible IT and CSU firewalls

First Meeting 28Sept06 - Smart Class update; Aggregate grades public; Fiduciary Responsibility for Network Connections

Review - our committee Fall 2005/Spr 2006 Final Committee Report

Issues on Instructional and Information Technology from your College?

Calendar for Next meeting?

Committee Members: (14sept06)

Our Charge: Instructional and Information Technology The Committee shall advise the administration and the Senate on instructional and information technologies.The Committee shall assist the Directors of Instructional Technology Services, the Library, the Academic Affairs Information Technology Coordinator, and other campus Instructional / Information Technology offices, with developing long-range master plans and shall review and make recommendations on the mission and services of ITS, the Library and Academic Affairs on instructional and information technologies. The Committee shall consider any matter referred by the Senate or by the administration of the University (and may consider, at its own discretion, other matters relating to instructional and information technologies at the campus and CSU system-wide levels.) The committee shall review and provide feedback on campus information technology initiatives as related to instruction, research and operational needs.