Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 18:08:40 -0700 (PDT) From: Tom Impelluso Kris, (Nice picture in the paper, BTW) I'd like to raise an issue at the meeting tomorrow... Here is the background and here are my thoughts... Our university implemented a policy that no student can see their final grade until after they completed the on-line evaluation. As a result of the policy (I am unable to claim cause and effect), all professor evaluations dropped by about 20%. I have seen this (but it is anecdotal) because I have served on a lot of RTP committees. This is what I think is the reason... The final exam is a more critical assessment tool for the class - it is where the student proves him/her self. In the past, paper evaluations were completed before the final exam. And students completed them with a measure of honesty, course fatigue and anxiety over the final exam. Now, the students have about two weeks to complete them AFTER the final exam, or they have to wait to have their grades mailed to them. As a result, if the final exam is a burden, the students will take it out on the evaluation. So if you give too hard a final, your evaluations drop: and I have seen this happen. If you are too easy on the final, your evaluations go up, but you have to give higher grades: and I have seen grade inflation since we adopted this policy. Essentially, faculty evaluate students (final exam) and students evaluate faculty (those evalluations). I think I prefer that I get evaluated before I give the final exam; or I am then beholding to students. Naturally, in a pure world, none of this matters. And now that I am a full professor, I really don't care...