the ITS status report:
1. ITS and a committee recently selected 2006 TechStars for effective
uses of Smart Classroom technologies:
- Pat Abbott, geological sciences
- Peter Blomgren, mathematics
- Mark Laumakis, psychology
- Hong-Chang Liang, chemistry
- Elizabeth Pollard, history
ITS will be developing a website with video, text, and photos to share
their best practices.
2. ITS is evaluating "clicker" companies (classroom response
systems similar to what is available in ENS 280). The state-of-the-art
business model is that students purchase their own clickers and the
equipment and software are provided to the university at relatively low
cost, or free. Textbook publishers are partnering with clicker companies,
which could result in clicker proliferation for students. ITS, working
with a faculty ad hoc committee, will select one company to recommend to
interested faculty, and in particular for use in the new 500-seat
classroom in the Arts & Letters building.
3. Special event support: Busy time for ITS this spring: Special events
supported include Biosciences opening, Invitrogen distinguished lecture,
Kyoto lecture (which can be found at, Lech Walesa lecture, Commencement, and
Major initiatives:
1. Ongoing smart classroom development. 25 room conversions and 5 new
rooms in A&L building to be made Smart Classrooms this summer. This
will bring the total percentage of centrally-scheduled rooms which are
"Smart" to 75%.
2. Blackboard upgrades: Both hardware and software upgrades will be put
into a test environment this summer. The upgrades will be thoroughly
verified before being put into "production."
3. ITS is working on several faculty development initiatives in
partnership with the Center for Teaching and Learning and the pICT
(People, Information, and Communication Technologies) programs. These