Date: 22 April 2011 To: SEN From: Kris Stewart, Chair, Instructional and Information Technology (IIT) Committee Subject: Annual report 2010-11 The IIT committee did not meet during the Fall 2010 semester due to conflicts with the schedules of the committee members. The IIT committee has met twice Spring 2011 and will be meeting 26 April 2011 for its final meeting. The IIT Committee has received updates from Dr. Rich Pickett, Campus CIO and member of the committee on the progress of the transition to using gmail as the mail server for the campus. This plan was presented to the full Senate last year [06spril2010] by Pickett and Stewart. There has been a good exchange of information with faculty from the College of Arts and Letters, facilitated by their IIT Committee member, Dr. Ming Tsou. The IIT Committee was asked by the Senate Committee on Committee (CoC) to file a report on the committee. This has been prepared by the committee and forwarded back to Cynthia Parks, who initiated the discussion. The IIT Committee was made aware of a situation where a grader for a university course caused a class list to be available publicly. The grader and the IT Security Office (Felicia Vlahos) helped resolve the situation, have the file removed from its online location, have the Google-cache also scrubbed to ensure the file was completely removed. At the 22 March 2011 meeting, Kris Stewart was the only committee member nominated to be chair for the following year and was elected by acclimation. The IIT Committee will be considering at the 26 April meeting the concern raised by faculty from the College of Sciences that the recent online-election for Sciences Senate representatives looked like spam. The campus network policy states that these incidents should be reported to