University Senate IIT Committee
Agenda - 30 March 06 - AH 1120 - 2pm
Agenda - 30 March 06 - AH1120 - 2pm (Upd)
IIT Committee:
Stewart (Sciences), Hoffman (Education), Shin (Business), Impelluso
(Engineering), Min (Health&Human Services), Burkett (PSFA), Chie
(Staff), Dworak (Library), Lyman-Hager (Arts/Letters), Likens (AS),
Frazee (ITS), Ross (AA), Vlahos/Denune (ITSO), Carter (IT Managers),
Vacancy (IVC)
1. Did you hear that the Dec 2003 SDSU Hacker was sentenced?
- who was caught by FBI (and SDSU Campus
officers) and plea guilty (during spring break) and paid his $20K fine?
SDSU hacker gets 3 years' probation for 2003 incident [SD Union-
Tribune 15March06] - Also in Daily Aztec on Wed 22mar06. Congratulations
to ITSO (John Denune and Felecia Vlahos).
FBI Press Release - text,
FBI Press Release - pdf
2. Victor Hazlewood, SDSC, will speak about Internet Security at the
San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
Kris Stewart invited Victor Hazlewood to talk with the IIT committee on
the techniques he has seen evolve at SDSC and other locations. You
might enjoy reading over
Defense In Depth [Especially note Fig. 7 which summarizes the
12 page document to define and illustrate the terms used]
- Stewart attended
CENIC 2006 [Corporation for Education Network Initiative in California]
over spring break. Will summarize
highlights of program for the group.
UC Berkeley Firewall Task Force
is one of the connections forged (thanks to Ken Lindahl).
3. Firewall updates from your group?
Mary Thomas would like to make
a short presentation
on Research Needs
and the Grid FTP project.
Jim Varnell sent the following note to
Sciences Faculty & Staff - might be useful as a talking point.
Email with brief description and
request for info and
contents of form.
4. Referral from David Ely (University Senate) - update from Cyndi Chie?
David Ely email referall
5. IVC Member proposed - Javier Fajardo
- Sue Nichols contacted the Chair to recommend Javier Fajardo be the
representative on the IIT committee from the Imperial Valley Campus.
6. Update from James Frazee on new Smart Panel Control System in AH1120
7. News from your part of campus?
- Reference: Memo to Deans, Chairs and Interested Parties of SDSU campus
As we agreed, a memo was sent to the "interested
parties" that you identified to be most pertinent for your College or
Memo widely distributed to announce IIT
[Word Doc]
txt version