GEOSECS - GEochemical Oceans SECtions Study

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As an undergrad math major at UCSD winter quarter 1993, Kris Beard had a student assistant job, helping Sandy Tacoma working to support Professor Harmon Craig of SIO, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in the Isotope Laboratory, in the basement of Ritter Hall. HC obit

In December 2023, I met Ed Slater at the Encinitas Senior Center Computer Lab.

I volunteer Wed 9:30-11a each week to help seniors using the lab PC computers and wifi network or their own notebook computers they may bring in. Ed was there Thurs 21Dec working with Lambert Ling, the other "tutor". We started talking and eventually realized we knew each other from Harmon Craig's Isotope Lab at SIO. Ed was a marine tech who went to sea on the R/V Melville as part of the GEOSECS program. ScrCap from the movie "Rivers of the Sea: The GEOSECS story", link below.

I found a GREAT video from NSF providing an overview of GEOSECS with interviews of actual participants. Thanks UCSD Library Archives.
1975 "Rivers of the Sea the story of GEOSECS"; txt

2000 pdf Paradox lost: silicon 32 and the global ocean silica cycle, H. Craig, B.L.K. Somayajulu, K.K. Turekian

GEOSECS Wikipedia; img
Award Abstract # 7104197 Feb 1971 - June 1976
"GEOSECS- Acquisition and Construction of Shipboard Analytical Equipment and Hydrographic and Sampling Systems", PI is Harmon Craig, SIO;

Award Abstract # 7724834 Jan 1978 - Dec 1980 (est)
"Geochemical Ocean Sections Study (Geosecs) - Indian Ocean Studies: Mass Spectrometric Measurements of He-3, Rare Gases and Stable Isotopes", John Lupton (Principal Investigator); Harmon Craig (Co-Principal Investigator)

Award Abstract # 8612003 Dec 1986 - Nov 1988 (est)
"Submersible Studies in the Mariana Trough and on the Loihi Seamount; and Central Pacific Transect, 25oN to 35oS" Harmon Craig (Principal Investigator), Yoshio Horibe (Co-Principal Investigator)

Award Abstract #9002478 July 1990 - June 1994 (est) pdf
"WOCE Hydrographic Program Section Along 88 Degrees West and 150 Degrees West", Harmon Craig (Principal Investigator)
ABS - This proposal is to make helium measurements on the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) cruises in the central Pacific on longitude 150 west. The helium data are useful as tracers of the deep ocean circulation, particularly in regions near the east Pacific rise from which elemental helium is known to emanate. These measurements, along with hydrographic and other tracer measurements will form the basis for ocean circulation descriptions and models which are the principal objectives of WOCE.

GEOSECS Pacific Expedition V3 pdf 154 pgs

Ocean Data View - GEOSECS 1974 GEOSECS Objectives, Plan & Benefits pdf

Various references found online from the Isotope Lab and about their research - return to Kris' Home page