URLs accumulated during the EPIC Kick-off Meeting Houston 11may05
This Url is http://www.stewart.cs.sdsu.edu/EPIC05/VizEducationDevelopment.html
- EPIC.org
- EPIC Wiki [requires login]
- Initial 3D programmer / EPIC description at SDSU
- Amado
"Amado Gonzalez. I am the Access Grid Director, 3D Animator and WebMaster for the Center for Engineering and Applied Sciences and I also created and direct the graphic.simulation.laboratory, at Florida International University."
- indiana
- OpenDX
"OpenDX gives you new control over your data...and new insights into their meaning. Yet OpenDX is easy to use because it lets you visualize data in ways you've never dreamed of--without getting bogged down in the technology."
- Math Forum
- MathForum's MathTools
"A community library of technology tools, lessons, activities, and support materials for teaching and learning mathematics."
- GarageGames / Torque
"Basic Scripting Tutorials
Almost all game logic is implemented through the Torque scripting language, a powerfull C++ like language used to control everything from the GUI interface, mission editor to scoring and game victory conditions. Here is a series of basic scripting tutorials to help you get comfortable with the capabilities of TorqueScript."
- shodor
- Shodor Reference Desk
- Workshops
- Amado
- Amado's recommended graphics
- Amado Introduction
- Wings3D
CSTA Curriculum ACM K12 Model
- NSF Home page [more descriptive]
- NSF Special Reports
- NSF CyberInfrastructure
- TeraGrid
- Access Grid / AGDP
Access Grid / AGDP / Documentation
- tayarijones / books
- Squeak Download
technology student
- electronics - how to
- Revitalize NCSA
Revitalize NCSA resource files
- OpenCroquet
OpenCroquet Technologies / downlaods
- wiki/opencroquet
- GATech-3
- GATech Croquet
- GATech Croquet -18
- SqueakFoundation
- EarthKam
- Squeakland
Squeakland - installers