features Blaise Pascal, Gottfried Leibniz, Luddites, Charles Babbage, Difference Engine, Samuel Morse, Augusta Ada, George Boole, Alex Graham Bell, W.S. Burroughs, H. Hollerith, Marconi, J.A. Fleming diode vacuum tube, T.J. Watson, Vannevar Bush Differential Analyzer, Konrad Suze, Howard Aiken, Claude Shannon, Alan Turing, J.V. Atanasoff electronic-digital-computer, W. Hewlett & D. Patternson, ENIAC, Colossus, Harvard Mark I, J.P. Eckert & J. Mauchly EDVAC, J. vonNeumann, Grace Murray Hopper 1st bug, Bell Labs first transistor, R. Hamming errors in data; 1948 SSEC Whirlwind EDSAC Pilot ACE, Univac 1, W. Shockley junction transistor, M. Wilkes micro-programming, Grace Murray Hopper 1st compiler, Illiac, IAS, IBM 701, IBM 650 magnetic drum calculator, Texas Instrument silicon transitor, J. McCarthy & M. Minsky chair AI meeting, J. Backus ForTran compiler, G. Moore R. Noyce others Fairchild Semiconductor; 1957 Sputnik; 1960 P. Baran Rand Corp packet-switching, DEC PDP-1, IBM 7030 Stretch computer, 1962 Stanford and Purdue U 1st CS departmets, I. Sutherland Sketchpad, ASCII 7-bit code, IRE + AIEE = IEEE, Seymour Cray CDC 6600; 1967 D. Knuth Alg & Data Structures, R. Noyce A. Grove G. Moore Intel; 1968 Seymour Cray CDC 7600 40 megaflops; 1969 Arpanet UCLA+UCSB+SRI+UUtah BBN-packet-switches, Unix at Bell Labs - D. Ritchie & K. Thomson, Xerox PARC, 1971 R. Tomlinson BBN 1st network email; 1972 Intel 8008 8-bit microProc soon 8080 & N. Bushnell Pong video game Atari, Alan Kay Smalltalk Xerox PARC, DEC PDP-11, S. Wozniack blue box; 1973 Vint Cerf Stanford Transmission Control Protocol, Alto+mouse+Ethernet+GUI Xerox PARC; 1975 Altair 8800 kit first PC; >1976 CRI Cray-1 vector supercomputer, G. Kildall CP/M, S. Jobs S. Wozniak Apple I; 1977 B. Gates P. Allen Microsoft Albuquerque NM, PCs from Tandy and Commodore w built-in monitors; 1978 DEC VAX 11/780 32-bit computer, Intel 8086 16-bit processor; 1979 D. Bricklin B. Franston VisiCalc PC killer app, Motorola 68000 chip; 1980 IBM PC-DOS from Microsoft for new PC, Obsorne 1 portable, D.A. Patterson J. Hennessy RISC; 1981 IBM PC open-architecture PC; 1982 Time Magazine names computer "Man of the Year", Cray X-MP, Commercial e-mail begins, Compaq IBM-compatible portable PC; 1983 TCP/IP switchover completes so global Internet, Apple Lisa launch, TMC Thinking Machines Corp and Ncube founded parallel processing boose, ATT Bell Labs B. Stroustrup C++ OO extension to C; 1984 Macintosh unveiled Super Bowl ad, MIDI, CD-ROM greater storage capacity, Motorola MC68020 250,000 transitors, The Last Starfighter movie uses extensive supercomputer-generated graphics, W. Gibson Neuromancer novel coins "cyberspace", Intel 16-bit 80286 chip; 1985 Cray 2 reaches GigaOp speed, NSF establishes four national supercomputer centers, Microsoft Windows 1 brings GUI to DOS, Intel 80386 32-bit chip with on-chip memory management; 1986 four-processor Cray XP performs 713 MFLOPS; 1988 Motorola 32-bit 88000 RISC microprocessors speeds up to 17 MegaOps; Robert Morris Jr. released worm program into Internet, S. Jobs Next computer debut, 1989 , Intel 80486 chip 1.2 million transitors, Seymour Cray founds Cray Computer Corp gallium arsenide chips; 1990 Microsoft Windows 3 intensifies legal dispute w Apple "look and feel" GUI, Bell Labs 1st all-optical processor, HP & IBM announce RISC-based computers, Intel i486 and iPSC/860 and Motorola 69040 chips available, Berner-Lee writes prototype WWW URLs+HTML+HTTP, Arpanet decommissioned; 1991 CRI unveils Cray Y-MP 16procs speed 16 Gflops, IBM Motorola ApplePowerPC alliance; 1992 Michelangelo virus little damage, M-bone audio multicast, DEC 1st 64-bit RISC Alpha architecture; 1993 Apple Newton PDA, Intel Penium, NCSA Mosaic GUI for Internet navigation released; 1994 Jim Clark Marc Andreesen found Netscape Communications, Netscape browser available; 1995 Toy Story 1st full-length feature movie completely computer generated, Java programming language unveiled, Amazon.com online; 1996 Intel Pentium Pro announced; 1997 IBM Deep Blue computer beats world champ chesspion Gary Kasparov; 1988 Google incorporated, Intel achieves 45 million transitors in CPU chip, 1999 Napster launch, SETI@home, large-scale distributed computing project; 2000 C# prog language announced, Y2K problem comes and goes, 1st USB flash drive sold; 2001 Wikipedia founded, iPod introduced portable music player; 2002 Earth Simulator highly parallel vector computer runs global climate models, one billion PCs sold, Indian computer scientists M. Agrawai N. Kayal N. Saxena discover algorithm for finding primes in polynomial time, MIT OpenCourseware introduced; 2003Skype introduced, iTunes store launched bringing recording industry into Internet age, Mozilla Foundation spin-out from Netscape; 2004 Mark Zuckerberg Facebook incorporated, Gmail introduced; 2005 IBM sells it PC business to Lenovo, European Parliament rejects proposed "directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions", YouTube Incorporated, 2006 60th anniversary of IEEE Computer Society, Twitter introduced, 2007Amazon Kindle ebook introducted, 802.11-2007 consolidation spread wireless communications, 60th anniversary ACM, iPhone introduced, Estonia conducts general election allowing voting via the Internet, 2008 Hulu launched supporting variety of devices for "TV" viewing, 2009 30th anniversary IEEE Annals of History of Computing, 2010 Computer History Museum exhibit Revolution: The First 2000 years of Computing, iPad tablet introduced, 25 anniversary of TEX typesetting & font design systems