0 0 0 eccse pr (Message eccse/PR:5) From zaslavsk@rohan.sdsu.edu Fri Apr 23 14: 23 PDT 1999 To: mlevy@foundation.sdsu.edu Subj: Ed Center description for grant writers Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:23:54 PDT Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering The mission of the Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering (Ed Center) is to support the incorporation of new computational tools into undergrad teaching at SDSU and the CSU, and assist faculty in developing their respective curricula. The Ed Center is CSU's partnership activity within NPACI (National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure), which is one of only two NSF-supported partnerships in High Performance Computing in the nation and involves research centers from across the United States. Besides the University of California and the California State University systems, the partners from our state include the California Institute of Technology, Salk Institute, Stanford University, The Scripps Research Institute, and several National Laboratories. The main goal of NPACI, and the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) as its leading edge site, is the creation and maintenance of a national metacomputing environment for the 21st century. Education, outreach, and technology transfer play an important role in achieving this national goal which will ensure our leadership in advanced computing in the world. The main application thrust areas of NPACI are molecular science, neuroscience, earth systems science, and engineering, in addition to technology thrusts focused on data- intensive computing, interaction environments, metasystems, and programming tools. Led by Dr. Kris Stewart, Associate Professor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, the Ed Center is developing the infrastructure to support effective use of advanced computing tools from NPACI partners in today's undergraduate classroom. Through the Faculty Fellows program, we provide release time to faculty willing to include advanced computational tools in their undergraduate teaching. Our in-house projects focus on the development of Web-based analytical tools (such as "Sociology WorkBench"), 3D visualization on the Web, synchronous distance education with on-line collaborative environments, and other computational resources for various disciplines. Please visit our Web page for more information: http://www.edcenter.sdsu.edu We will be happy to collaborate with you to strengthen your grant proposal involving computational science tools and/or undergraduate curriculum development. We feel that the Education Center is a valuable resource on SDSU campus, already supported by NSF, with established links to scientists and educators working on the leading edge of computational research, and with a developed infrastructure for outreach and assessment. Collaboration with the Ed Center or our partners within NPACI will hopefully make a grant proposal originating from SDSU more attractive for granting agencies, at both federal and state levels. Contact Information: Kris Stewart, Director Melody Hoolihan, Administrative Assistant, 4-0491 E-mail: edcenter@sdsu.edu WWW: www.edcenter.sdsu.edu Love Library Annex, Rm. 073, MC 8050