Introduction to the Education Center on
Computational Science & Engineering 
Presentation for the Center for Research in
Math & Science Education BAM 254 SDSU - 4/27/98

Enhancing Undergraduate Curricula with High Performance Computing Tools and Technologies for the California State University System and the National Education Community

This URL: ./sdsucrmse.html

National Science Foundation's Division of Advanced Scientific Computing made five year awards supporting two High Performance Computing (HPC) Centers in San Diego ( and Champaign-Urbana ( ), to build the national infrastructure in HPC through partnerships.

Exciting new research opportunities (and the SDSU Interdisciplinary Experimental Curriculum Committee [IECC])

Given the new in-coming Director of NSF, Dr. Rita Colwell , from the University of Maryland ( the following recently released study is especially pertinent to SDSU and the Ed Center.
Reinventing Undergraduate Education (Boyer report)
Academic Bill of Rights
Ten Ways to Change Undergraduate Education
IECC (on-going SDSU campus project, CAL, PSFA & some Sciences
Seminar and hands-on workshop on Web-based collaboration tools for distance learning [April 23 and April 30]
Come visit the Ed Center
Enhancing Undergraduate Curriculum through NPACI's Ed Center ENVISION, March 1998
NSF National Sciences & Technology Week (4/26-5/2/97
Overview of the National Partnership for Advanced Computing Infrastructure:
NPACI ( is an association of 39 universities and research centers from 18 states, with SDSC as the leading edge site.

What is the mission of the EC/CSE?
Foster the incorporation of high performance research tools for scientific investigation into the undergraduate curriculum to better prepare learners for post-Baccalaureate activities where
are used in research and problem solving.

Examples of projects underway at the EC/CSE Short descriptions

Examples of collaborations already formed by EC/CSE

The suggested mechanism of collaboration with CSU faculty
Web site: ../index.html

What can the EC/CSE do for you?

Dr. Kris Stewart (, Director
Dr. Ilya Zaslavsky (, GIS Staff Scientist
Education Center on Computational Science & Engineering
San Diego State University, Love Library Addition, Rm 73