Lect4 04Feb - XNA4 in Windows8; ESA;
Dr. Kris Stewart

Please note the codes from the textbook are available by chapter now index Ch3

I mentioned to a few students that I had trouble with XNA Game Studio 4 and Windows 8. This is solved now, but ... Gama Sutra
http://www.wpcentral.com/xna-dead-long-live-xna XNA is dead, Love live XNA
  1. Install Vis Studio 2010 Pro (from MSDNAA/AppHub)
  2. Install XNA GS4 in Windows 8 Games for Windows Live Redistributable
  3. Install XNA GS 4.0

http://esa.cmail5.com/t/ViewEmail/y/E2039AF0004EA1C2/82AF575602A382CA0367819F23434F99 Entertainment Software Association

http://xboxforums.create.msdn.com/forums/t/109873.aspx Xbox Live XNA 2D shooter tutorial (from a C++ programmer, learning C#)
2D Space Shooter Tutorial XNA Gamerdad81
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EOnSY_WKFo&list=PLfSnjRI1oFjKMBL5oo9QDbq2_2AS-0R1I Entire YouTube series