Final Exam / Project for CS 101
BAM 120 Lab, 8 May 02
Final 13 May 02 (BAM 120 1pm; BAM 258 2pm)

Since Concept Map was a successful software for groups working together in CS 101, this will be the basis of your final exam.

Today in lab, you should get together as groups and start this project.

On Monday, 13 May 02, 1pm [Official time of our final], you will meet again as a group in BAM 120 and complete your project, export as GIF file, upload to your web site on Rohan.

From 2-3 pm you will join Kris Stewart in BAM 258 and show her the Concept Map you have created on the Smart Classroom Comnputer. It would be good to space yourselves out so that one group starts at 2pm, another at 2:15pm, another at 2:30 and so forth. Stewart will be waiting for you starting at 2pm in BAM 258 until 3pm.

Your concept map will present an overview of the important topics from our text which we have covered:

You will be evaluated based on the choice of key concepts and the linkages you indicated in your Concept Map. You should have five to ten concepts from each Chapter. Each of these concepts may have up to five subconcepts. It is important to establish the linkages, within the chapter as well as between different chapters. This will be a large Concept Map that will summarize what you feel are the important topics in the course. You, of course, provide the linkages and all correctly identified links will count towards your grade.

Recall, Concepts are the nouns and Linkages are the verbs (or adverbs, adjectives, prepositions) that convey the relationships between the Concepts.

When the group of individuals joins Stewart in BAM 258 to demonstrate their their Concept Map, you will be asked to fill out a piece of paper where each student indicates the amount of contribution they have made to this final project - as well as the amount of contributions each other member has made.